
Beginner's Luck?

a day ago
Vivosun - AeroLight Wing AW200
Vivosun - AeroLight Wing AW200
Vivosun - Grow Tent Pro 2x4 P426
Room Type
weeks 3
Grow medium
Germination Method
Paper Towel
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 40%
Strawberry Lemonade
Avg. success
Barney's Farm - 92%
Strawberry Lemonade - 93%
Commented by
KingMickey KingMickey
a month ago
7/30/24: Placed the seeds in the paper towel. 8/1/24: Checked the seeds and noticed they were ready. Planted them directly into 1gal grow bags(lightly buffered) and popped a humidity dome on them. 8/2/24: Removed humidity domes and added a humidifier to regulate humidity, Replaced pans under pots with Plant trays/pot elevators to prevent it from sitting in its runoff. 8/5/24: Pots feel lighter, soil isn't moist to the touch. Slightly increasing nutrients to half the recommended dose for seedlings(2mL/Gal of each base, 4mL/Gal B-52 and Voodoo) and giving them their first feeding.
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Grow Questions
KingMickeystarted grow question 21 days ago
Just recently transplanted(1gal - 5gal), first-timer so it didn't go as smoothly as I planned or hoped. The girls look a little sad, which I hear is pretty normal this soon after transplanting, but is there anything I can do that can help the ladies make a full/quick recovery?
1 like
Leromeanswered grow question 21 days ago
They are going to recover perfectly in just a few days. Give them some time to get used to their new environment and make new roots/drink the moisture from the fresh soil and they will peak up again!😊 I think they are looking very good for your first grow! 😊
KingMickeystarted grow question 16 days ago
The yellowing has gotten worse and I'm noticing slightly burnt tips/edges and some droop. Could this be burn/deficiency or over/underwatering? A combination? Is there anything I can do to fix this early or is it just a matter of giving them some time and less nutrients? Thanks!
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Shinsimillaanswered grow question 16 days ago
Difficult to tell, but my guess would be a combination of nitrogen deficiency (the yellowing is quite uniform) and a little overwatering. Mg deficiency the leaf veins stay quite green and the rest of the leaf lightens.
KingMickeystarted grow question 14 days ago
I've heard that you shouldn't top your ladies while there are any deficiencies or issues as it can be extremely stressful. Considering the light spotting and slightly burnt tips, would you say these gals are fine to top or should I wait until everything is perfect and dialed in?
Techniques. Topping
Shinsimillaanswered grow question 14 days ago
They are looking happy and healthy. You can definitely top, just take off as little as you can on the top node. Sometimes you might need to wait a day or 2 for it to open up so you can cut just the tip off. That helps a lot for them to not take too much of a hit.

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BusyBeeFarmerweek 0
Those Strawberry strains can be a bit finicky from my experience. Fingers crossed it turns out great for you! It looks like you’ve done your homework and are well-prepared. Good luck!
@BusyBeeFarmer, Thank you! Yeah this is my first time trying to grow anything honestly so I'm trying to idiot-proof myself as much as I can lol.