
First Grow - Royal Critical Auto - Apt/Balcony/Tent

8 days ago
Grow Conditions
Week 4
18 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
KISSGrowing KISSGrowing
8 days ago
01/09/2024 - Day 28 Full four weeks and properly into preflower. I guess starting next week I can really call them in flower already? The growth in the tent has been truly explosive compared to the growth earlier. Still haven't watered them since the last time, I will probably reduce the watering amount to allow the pots to dry out faster and get more air to the roots. 30/08/2024 - Day 26 On Day 23, I have given up with the idea of balcony grow and moved all my plants into a SpiderFarmer 70x70x160 tent. The weather was either too dark and rainy or is currently way too hot and dry in souther Germany. Had to get the tent anyway since I am worried about the eventual smell from 3 plants and I need to host guests in a months time. Following my first grow question, I have worked to adjust their LST quite often, which, I guess in combination with the SF1000 light has now given significant growth in the lower nodes for new branches to develop. Watered on D23 with 1.5L which is still plenty until now. The soil is still dark and moist.
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Grow Questions
KISSGrowingstarted grow question 12 days ago
Multiple questions: Is this the first sign of flower on the picture of D21 from sprouting? Doesn't the plant look to small for it still? How do I promote new node growth? Is watering roughly about 1.5L per week too little for nutrient influx? Royal Critical Auto - RQS
Plant. Too short
Feeding. Schedule
Techniques. LST
1 like
Leromeanswered grow question 12 days ago
Hey! Yes, that is a female preflower. Preflower doesnt need to mean its going to flower immediately, its a sign of maturity like we get hairs in puberty. Its normally occuring during 4th and 6th week of vegetation on regular or feminized plants but it may be quicker on automatics. Plants primarily get their energy from light, nutrients and water are more like the building materials, but the intake of photons determines the possible building speed. Focus on building a strong root system first on automatics and the rest should come ( if the factors are right, like nutrition, watering, ph/ec, temperature, humidity, ...)
KISSGrowingstarted grow question 8 days ago
I am noticing the lower leaves of my Royal Critical Automatic to be much more pale green than the top of the plant. Is this a nutrient/light/watering/lst stress problem if at all? First Grow. Started balcony, moved to tent D23. SF-1000 light, 100% at ~ 55cm from canopy.
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Techniques. LST
Mooncatanswered grow question 8 days ago
Might be a bit stress but no need to worry first pair wilts in like 90% of times. Why did you tie down the leafes tho? You can remove every hook apart from the last one wich ties down the top.👍
KISSGrowingstarted grow question 2 days ago
My plants (1 auto, 1 photo) have grown a lot and are now pretty thicc. Should I remove some leaves to allow more light directly on the new growths from the nodes? More agressive LST? Leave them alone? They have grown in a weird pattern because of my LST attempts (see pic).
Leaves. Too many
Plant. Twisted
Techniques. LST
001100010010011110answered grow question 2 days ago
The products of photosynthesis are free flowing in the phloem. Apical dominance dictates where resources go in the plant. The best way for good light penetration is to not overcrowd the growing space. stick to 2.5-3 colas per sq foot and have the faith and patience to let it grow in - it will. this ensures space between colas for leaves to grow and less need to defoliate. If you have a full canopy that absorbs all the light (no holes in canopy ety) then your yield will be there. Fewer colas per sq ft also helps with proportion of good buds vs larfy buds. For the last 2-3 years out of spite i've been bending leaves to directly cover buds and those buds all turn out the same as all other buds of similar stature on the plant - i.e. apical dominance. It's consistent and repeatable. Don't think light has to directly hit the buds to make dense buds. there is 1/10th to 1/100th the amount of photosynthesis taking place when light hits the buds vs leaves... you want light hitting leaves. read the guides on . they go over a lot of this stuff. they bust a bunch of urban myths and bro-science nonsense. Beware of shit information. it's abundant. bruce bugbee is another acceptable source. seed sellers are not a good source for information. they peddle in common (mis)beliefs that help sell more products. my suggestion for future -- take your space in sq ft and divide by 2.5 and 3. That is the amount of colas you want growing vertically in your canopy. then, by working backward from there you plan out how you want to train/top your plant(s) to get there. this keeps you honest and you know immediately when you want to flip to flower -- when you get things organized and ready to grow vertically in an even canopy. Trust that it will fill in. there is another 4-5 weeks of vege growth after flip to flower phase. this is why the plant doubles or triples in size - not because it grows faster in flower... it's simply what happens in another 4-5 weeks of growth before it stops. cocoforcannabis has an article "to defoliate or not..." too. it's a worthwhile read.

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KISSGrowingweek 4
thank you for the comments on the last question @mooncat, @organoman!
tipsytapsyweek 3
@mooncat - great comments!
Jamesweek 0
Good luck and happy growing mate 🌱