The only thing I would cry about is that I I thought it was an Auto Flower from what the web site said. I'm looking forward to growing it again as a photoperiod plant. I'm sure I will have better results. good genetics the bean cracked in 2 days wet paper towel method. got the seeds in a timely manner.
This is a matter of preference, I am a new grower and I like all the bells and whistles from the Nutrient Mfg.. Some folks like it simple Part A and Part B Cal mag and that's it. Synthetic or organic I think you should do you homework and decide what you are most comfortable with. the only piece of advice I would give new growers is to scale back the feeding by 50% on the bottle. When the plant is bigger and drinking a lot of water then you can boost it up to the 100% that the Mfg. recommends. again this all depends on strain and genetics and grow environment. less is more I used a lot of different bottles but the amounts were small per EA.
This is the Hydroponic version of Great white. I used it in conjunction with MYCO CHUM from the same company. I had a huge root ball that even survived the power going out and what looked like some root rot but the majority of the roots were health and the plant survived till harvest.💪
When I do it all over again I'm going to grow the remaining 4 of my seeds in the 5 gallon RDWC system. I will let it flush a little longer next time as well. black ash in bowl to many left over nutrients.
The high is big body with a head finish. Its a little harsh from drying to quick, 3 days😥 used boveda 65% bags and Cvalt to cure. it seemed to help mellow the harsh out Rosin pressing the last OZ will post return.
Looking good man , but if I was to suggest something it would be to make your canopy more even and remove any of the branches with tops that aren't going to be getting enough light . Other then that you're doing a really good job and you're well on your way to getting some kick ass medicine !!
-Happy Growing!