And we’re into the second week of flower! Pulled the scrog net off, and the branches had all firmed up and the net was mostly just impeding watering at this point. I’ll watch the stretch and set the net back up higher if/as needed, but for now this allowed for a bit of shuffling and reorganizing to, in conjunction with mild LST and less-mild defoliation, get more even light to everyone.
Astyn is taking charge as the boss bitch in the room, for sure. She’s stretching a bit less, but I’m guessing that’s mostly just her being a bit more indica-bushy than the others. The gals are definitely getting thirstier, as expected. Brigid is just doing her petite thing, and we all love her for it.
Saturday morning of this week (last day of week 6 (flowering week 2), I added some yeast and sugar in a half gal jar (1 packet of active dry yeast, 1 cup of raw sugar, ~ 6 cups room temp water) for some co2 generation, and I’m starting them on 24 hours of light. As of Saturday night, they seem to really appreciate the addition! Everyone got a bit more perked up, a bit more green, and leaf growth seems to have stepped up, based on typical start-to-end of day observation. “Let’s goooooo!” they say. Let’s go indeed, ladies.