DLI: ~30-35, they get pissy if it gets any higher.
VPD: 1.0-1.2 kPa
10/4/24: Fed 1700EC, was nice to have accurate EC measurements, hopefully that should get things at the right ratios before I up it to 1900EC in a couple of days. The 7th will be the beginning of flip.
10/6/24: Fed 1900EC, runoff was about -200. Flip starts tomorrow.
10/8/24: Fed 2050EC, runoff 1900-2050. DLI is now ~20
10/9/24: Perlite was a mistake, going to be feeding every day, maybe twice a day now. REEEEEEEEE. Also think 2050EC is my limit, and i'm going to be using 450EC of Cal-Mag from now on.