

4 days ago
PopeWeazl Genetics - SunDawgBerry
Room Type
Grow medium
Germination Method
Directly In Substrate
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 20%
PopeWeazl Genetics - SunDawgBerry
Avg. success
- %
PopeWeazl Genetics - SunDawgBerry - %
Commented by
StaresAtPlants StaresAtPlants
a month ago
This strain is a cross between my HOTDawgBerry female and a Sunshine 4 x Sunshine 4 #7 & #8 male. For the first germination test I chose 16 of the lightest colored seeds to check their viability. Lights are on for 18 hours per day at 25% power. Daylight temps are 84 degrees F and night time temps are 75 Degrees F. I give 5 sprays with a spray bottle directly on the seeds every time I check and see that the surface has dried. This is roughly 1-2 times per day. 11 of the "light colored" seeds didn't germinate. Viability is 5 out of 16 which is not good. In the 3 pots that didn't have any sprouts I planted 3 dark colored seeds and all 3 germinated. It looks like I will keep the light color seeds only for genetic preservation and not for the community.
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