
2nd Mimosa X OrangePunch clones *refining strategy*

2 days ago
Room Type
weeks 1
weeks 1
weeks 2, 4
weeks 3-4
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
Expanded Clay
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 2
Day Air Temperature
14+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
attarox attarox
23 days ago
All 3 plants successfully initiated their flower stretch and already did jump around 25cm in the first 7 days after flipping the light schedule. I will add more pictures later, the lights just came off. You can see from the surveillance cam photo that they are pushing hard. The weather in my region right now is really moist and warm, I am approaching 70% rH in my lung room at times with the tent's humidity occasionally climbing up to 75%. Since its really early into flower I trt not to overcare and hope that does not introduce mold problems now in early flower. I bumped the nutrient solution EC up to 2.85 as I could not see any signs of overfeeding yet and because the tents VPD is as low as 1.0kPa or even lower at times, leaving me with lower transpiration rates. I hope this strategy does not backfire when weather changes to more dry conditions and the plants burn away...Then Ill have to use the humidifier, but lets see first :) EDIT Day 12 of Flower: The stretch hit really hard, the lights are at near maximum hanging height and some top bud sites will be really close to the LED bars for the rest of the run. I can lift them another 10cm maybe at max, so Ill have to see how that will work out. Emergency topcropping is not an option as every single trellis square is already in full use with at least one main branch each. I will dim the lights down to 75% if the ladies stretch too far up, but I think most stretching is done by now. Right now PPFD is around 1200-1300 with no signs of overfeeding or burns of any kind. Around week 3 or 4 I plan to dim down to a PPFD around 900-1100 anyway, at the same time as starting to lower the input EC again. That will be one reservoir of EC1.0 water and from then on EC2.0 til week 7, followed by a week or 2 of fading. Nutrient solution comes in @ 3.2 EC right now via Autopot reservoir and opposing my plans to flush inbetween reservoir refills I kept on feeding higher concentrqations and so far the ladies seem to want it that way. I seldomly had that happy looking ladies with any nute brand so far.
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Smalltentgrowerweek 3
Could you put your blower on top of your tent to make more room? Anyway your plants looks very VERY nice! 🔥 that going to be a massive yield! 😎 cant wait to try autopot on my next run. How long did you veg those babies?
@Smalltentgrower, Thanks mate! Yeah that would be the only option left without letting the scissors dance around the tops...would love to avoid that LOL. Since I have no free time available to tackle the exhaust repositioning this weekend Ill probably look into that afterwards, but i will need more piping to do that too. Maybe Ill just take advantage of the situation and realize air transport out of the room. Right now it goes into the room itself... I tghinned them out quite heavily yesterday, but still massive plants :) Veg time is difficult to say. Took the cuttings when i flipped the previous run into flower and rested them near a window. By week 4 of flower I repotted them and started to give them light to pre-veg to size, before flipping them the night after taking out the previous, dried harvest. No time wasted sir 😎
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