evilsurfercommentedweek 145 years ago
Hey man, I've got this one going at the moment too. If i can offer any advice i would say try and keep it simple. I have never mainlined, i just dont see the point... all those wasted weeks trying to get a pretty plant, just top it once or twice if you want and use garden wire or something to lst to bring the branches apart. I got 55g of dried from my last Black Cream auto using a 65 watt led and a 2gal pot... so you should be killing it with 1000 watt? My other 150w HLG light gets me between 150-180 of dried, using only two 3 gal pots and canna bio vega/flores (grow and bloom). I reckon all the grow/bloom nutrients out there are the same shit, just find one that's easy to use and fuck off all the additives except maybe some cal-mag until you get it dialed in. Also that scrog net is doing nothing, the idea is to fill the net 80% by folding all the stems through it then flipping to 12/12 so you get an even canopy. Not having a go at you, i just noticed there's a lot of diaries on here with similar stories, shit tonne of nutrients and average results. I hope you can take something from this and not think i'm an asshole, i just want everyone to succeed! 😀 All the best!
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