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2nd Grow: Peyote Critical

Approved by Barney's Farm
6 years ago
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/1000W
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
26 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
6 years ago
2.54 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
99 %
26 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 4
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 0.793 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 0.793 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 0.793 mll
I’m going to try doing journals for each strain of this my 2nd grow. Might repeat pictures for the first few weeks but will focus on each plants once they get some good growth behind them. *this is attempt #2 and will just be updating the original journals with the new pics. Nothing yet really from Peyote Critical. Small taproot but that is all and hope it will grow soon. Might have to try a new seed *Day 3 and looks like I had my first dud seed. So I have a seed floating in some water in the cap and will try this again *Day 7 and the new seed finally broke the surface
Week 2. Vegetation
6 years ago
2.54 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
46 %
26 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 4
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 1.585 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 1.585 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 1.585 mll
*Day 8 ok so today I planted them in their final home. Again sticking with my 7G bags but this go i around I have them on risers. Also watered them today and increased the nutrients from the previous week Day 13 just a little plain watering today
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Week 3. Vegetation
6 years ago
2.54 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
47 %
26 L
1 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 5
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 4.227 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 4.227 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 4.227 mll
*Day 15 Watering today and with half the recommended nutrients. Adding B-52 into the mix now and will be interesting to see what it does over the coming days. *Day 17 I’m going to go ahead and remove the weeks of 4-12 from my first attempt. The site thinks I’m inactive with my updates and I’m worry they might close them down as abandoned journals. Day 18 just a light watering for the new plants. Also added 6ml more Cal-Mag and a teaspoon and a half of blackstrap molasses to my gallon of water. Should see a nice boost in growth tomorrow I think. Day 20 added 3tbsp of dried/grounded up eggshells to the soil tops. Half my plants are showing some calcium deficiency and hoping this will help out in curbing my problem. Will be upping my Cal-Mag with my next watering for sure
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Week 4. Vegetation
6 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
47 %
26 L
1 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 5
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 4.227 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 4.227 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 4.227 mll
Day 22 Watering day with nutrients. Pretty much keeping everything the same as last, but upped my Cal-Mag by 4ml/gal to help hopefully curb my calcium problem seen on half my plants. A few days behind everyone else and will hopefully mainline by the end of the week . . .or hopefully sooner Day 25 watered again today but with 1tbsps per gallon of Blackstrap Molasses added Day 26 not too far behind everyone else now. Gone ahead and topped her to join everyone else Day 28 don’t be concerned about that white stuff. Saw something growing under some leaves on my Fruity Pebbles and sprayed down all my plants with the non toxic silica repellent. (Used in my first grow too) Plus I’ve decided that I will make this a Quadline grow to speed up my vegging time hopefully by a week over my last attempt. Look good so far I think
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Week 5. Vegetation
6 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
47 %
26 L
1 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 5
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 4.227 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 4.227 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 4.227 mll
Day 29 watering day with nutrients today, and I will be keeping them where they sat last week. Seeing some great healthy growth and why ruin a good thing. . . again Day 31 Well it’s no longer a Quadline as a limb broke off. Surprising because it was so small and pliable still. Tempted to bring it down to a simple mainline grow only Day 33 watering day with 2tbsp Blackstrap Molasses
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Week 6. Vegetation
6 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
47 %
26 L
1 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 5
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 4.227 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 4.227 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 4.227 mll
Day 36 Watering day with nutrients. Going to try something new by splitting the total feed over 2 waterings. So half the recommended nutrients today and the other half come Saturday/Sunday Day 38 just a little bit of water Day 41 today was watering day with the 2nd half of the nutrients being added. Brought down my lights a bit too. Just to see if I can get my branches to stretch a little faster
Week 7. Vegetation
6 years ago
15.24 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
47 %
26 L
1 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 6
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 4.227 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 4.227 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 4.227 mll
Day 44 watering day and will be doing the same as last week. I will be dividing the nutrients over 2 feeds for the week with a small watering between Day 47 watering day with the other half of nutrients BUT I kept out the B-52 and added a little Tiger Bloom instead. I’m going to switch over to flowering on Thursday and I’m going to keep B-52 out for the first 2 weeks of feed as it may hinder some growth with the switch. (According to AN site) Would do another week of veg but my supply is getting low and they look good enough to produce a good yield
Week 8. Flowering
6 years ago
16.51 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
47 %
26 L
1 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 6
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 4.227 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 4.227 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 4.227 mll
Day 50 so I double checked and then I checked again. Yep, I’m set up for flowering this time, I swear. For those joining late, this is my 2nd time growing from seed after killing them all (minus the Black Sugar) with a stupid watering with a little vinegar added. Plus I had replaced my power bar but forgot to plug my lights back into my timer. Thought I had switched to flowering but saw no flowering happening after 2-3. Anyways, mistakes were made and now we are here. No B-52 for the next 2 weeks, but Bud Candy has been added to the mix. Day 55 had to water everyone just before lights off last night. They were given their other half of this week’s nutrients and 2 tbsp of Blackstrap Molasses. Looked happy happy happy this morning
Week 9. Flowering
6 years ago
25.4 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
47 %
26 L
2 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 6
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 2.113 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 2.113 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 2.113 mll
Day 57 just a small plain watering today. Give them a break from the nutrients Day 61 watered today with nutrients. Was seeing some burned tips on a few plants, but not many. So I’m a dialling back the nutrients this week by almost half. Also added a 2nd SCROG netting which I hope these girls will eventually grow to need. Mostly being used to train my much larger Black Sugar plant at the moment
Week 10. Flowering
6 years ago
31.75 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
47 %
26 L
2 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 8
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 2.113 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 2.113 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 2.113 mll
Day 65 pistols are really starting to show now. Also gave them a nice drink of BSM and Cal/Mag today. Tomorrow’s pics should be interesting to see Day 68 another watering but on the lighter side with some BSM and a little bit of Tiger Bloom Day 70 and they were thirsty. So I gave them a watering today with nutrients and welcome back B-52 into the mix. Hopefully I do t hurt them cause it is for late in blooming but I gave them a sip of Overdrive as well
Week 11. Flowering
6 years ago
31.75 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
62 %
26 L
2 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 8
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 2.113 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 2.113 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 2.113 mll
Day 74 just a little watering today with the usual 2Tbsp of BSM added to 2G of water Day 76 that extra light in the tent is really making things warm in the tent, and drying the plants a little bit. Gotta figure something out soon, but it made them thirsty. So I did my water with my cal/mag, Bud candy and tiger bloom. Will probably get the other nutrients at this rate on Thursday
Week 12. Flowering
6 years ago
31.75 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
62 %
26 L
2 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 8
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 2.113 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 2.113 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 2.113 mll
Day 79 Well things don’t look pretty right now. My tent got too warm with the 2nd light added, and now I’m just going to keep off and raise the Quantum Board higher for all. Got near the 90F in there (about 10-15F higher before it added) Plus I should of watered everyone last night, but it’s been completed now with all nutrients. I also topped almost all my colas and will see if they will start to back bud into big fat colas in the end. Hopefully tomorrow’s pics will look a little nicer Day 80 that’s better everyone. Nice recovery and the smell is just wonderful now coming from the tent. Viparspectra light will be left off for the remainder of grow. Temps have dropped from 90 to 78 in the tent and they aren’t showing any signs of heat stress Day 82 they were thirsty and not making the same mistake I did earlier this week. So it was a watering with a little Cal/Mag, B-52, Overdrive and Blackstrap Molasses
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Week 13. Flowering
6 years ago
31.75 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
62 %
26 L
2 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 8
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 2.113 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 2.113 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 2.113 mll
Day 85 today was a watering day with all nutrients. Plus I got a new toy and can now provide a nice close look at my frosty buds Day 88 another watering day. Only using BSM and about 3ml/G of Overdrive as well. Also using cold water instead of room temp to see if I can shock some colours out of them. Guess we will see over the coming days or weeks Day 91 watering day again. Did some Overdrive, Tiger Bloom, Bud Candy and 2Tbsp of BSM. Continuing to watering with cold water from the tap in hopes of some cool colouring, and I think I’m starting to see some purple :)
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Week 14. Flowering
6 years ago
31.75 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
62 %
26 L
2 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 8
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 2.113 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 2.113 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 2.113 mll
Day 94 watering day and just using some Bud Candy and 3Tbsp of BSM. Probably done using nutrients and will be in flush mode but might keep using the BSM over the coming weeks. Day 97 everyone in the tent was looking a little thirsty and so it was just a simple watering of cold water. No nutrients and no BSM. Plus I’m happy to say this here Peyote Critical is ready for the chop and will do so on Friday. I would do it sooner but I have work and whatever bug I’m battling with to deal with first. Plus Friday is the start of my vacation week from work (even though I started back only a month ago) and it will also be my Bday 🎈Best present ever
Week 14. Harvest
6 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
It has been 6 days since I took her down. Paper bag dried her for 4 days, jarred 1 day and bag again for 1 more. That happens to be today my hydro meter throughout the day has remained in the jar with flowers at 57%. Good enough to try and it’s pretty nice. Flavour I don’t think is the greatest but will improve I’m sure over time. Right now I gotta say it’s very earthy/woodsy. So I might update in coming weeks when I have a better cure going for it. Right now I’m pretty damn happy and mellow. Took about 5-7 minutes before anything really hit me from vaping it, but it was like soft puppy cuddling the front of your face. Plus I have a tingly vibe going on with my calf’s. I could see this slowly mellowing me to sleep, hell almost doing it right now as I write this review. (It’s only 8pm and I’m a night owl when I can) I really am enjoying this strain, but really wish I garnered more then the 35g of dried product. I think I rushed this to flowering, after I murdered my first attempt right before flowering. This grow I tried Quadlining and I’m not a fan, and should of done the simpler mainline grow like the first attempt. It was easier to maintain and looked cleaner and easier to lollipop/train. I’m pretty such I lost a lot of potential growth because I didn’t lollipop and wasted a lot of unneeded energy in popcorn buds. Hopefully my next try will go with less serious hiccups or any at all, and that will hopefully be in just 2 weeks. Gonna try some autos and photoperiod seeds at the same time. What could go wrong this time.
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Spent 99 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
150 g
Bud wet weight per plant
35 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Relaxed, Sleepy, Uplifted
Positive effects
Earthy, Flowery, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Pot size
Lamp distance
DAY 99 Ok I’m a day earlier than I thought but she has been chopped. I have lots of popcorn bud but I also have some big solid nuggs as well. I’m going to try the paper bag drying method as I have heard great things about it, and my last harvest dried them out either too much or unevenly. I didn’t leave them on the stems because of that, but 150g wet weight. Will hopefully have a successful drying experience and maybe have a quick taste report next week. Stay tuned. . .
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evilsurfercommentedweek 146 years ago
Hey man, I've got this one going at the moment too. If i can offer any advice i would say try and keep it simple. I have never mainlined, i just dont see the point... all those wasted weeks trying to get a pretty plant, just top it once or twice if you want and use garden wire or something to lst to bring the branches apart. I got 55g of dried from my last Black Cream auto using a 65 watt led and a 2gal pot... so you should be killing it with 1000 watt? My other 150w HLG light gets me between 150-180 of dried, using only two 3 gal pots and canna bio vega/flores (grow and bloom). I reckon all the grow/bloom nutrients out there are the same shit, just find one that's easy to use and fuck off all the additives except maybe some cal-mag until you get it dialed in. Also that scrog net is doing nothing, the idea is to fill the net 80% by folding all the stems through it then flipping to 12/12 so you get an even canopy. Not having a go at you, i just noticed there's a lot of diaries on here with similar stories, shit tonne of nutrients and average results. I hope you can take something from this and not think i'm an asshole, i just want everyone to succeed! 😀 All the best!
GreenISRcommentedweek 36 years ago
Good luck .!
the end.
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