
JBeezy Cap Junky Living Soil

9 hours ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
18 hrs
Light Schedule
8+ conditions after
Commented by
RatmanJR RatmanJR
9 hours ago
What’s up guys. Harvested the Bonez Sherb cream pie a few days ago so went and picked up a new clone. Managed to find a Jbeezy Cap Junky clone. Super excited especially considering my last grow I had to struggle with 3x stretch. Looking forward to the shortness this one will have. I’m not usually one for maximum thc strains so I’m flying kinda blind here. I’m thinking of maybe using UVB for one hour a day during flower to see if I can induce extra Trichomes. Let me know what you guys think if you got experience. Actually, even if you don’t have experience feel free to let me know what you think. Going to be using the same living soil I used for the Sherb Cream Pie. Leaving the clone in her small planter for 10 days while I reammend her main pot. For the main soil which is recharging, it is a no till 15 gallon pot. It started as elite living soil from the soil makers out in Connecticut. She’s got a lot of build a soil components in her now. This time around for reammend I’m using 3 pounds of 3.0 blend and 1 cup of neem and karanja cake. The neem and karanga are good for nitrogen and for pests. I’m going to finish her off by top dressing with worm castings. After that I’ll be planting a ton of Dutch white clover for a cover crop and transplanting her. Looking forward to this grow. Let me know what you guys would like to see and I’ll try to implement it into my grow. God bless
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Grow Questions
RatmanJRstarted grow question 9 hours ago
What is this on the leaves? Brand new clone 1 hour in my ownership. I sprayed her with Bonide Captain Jacks Copper Fungicide in case it is PM. Doesn't look like PM though. Looks almost like hard water deposits. What do you guys think?
Leaves. Other
DaddyPrime2answered grow question 6 hours ago
the first picture looks like you may have spilled something on it. water thats not dechlorinated will leave white residue on things. think of humidifiers without distilled water and how it leaves white residue on your carbon filter covers. The second picture looks like thrips maybe. i know that theyre known to leave a silvery residue behind.
Hashyanswered grow question 6 hours ago
Looks like water stains.
001100010010011110answered grow question 8 hours ago
First pic does look like water that dried up and deposited some solids. This assumes you didn't spray the spot before you took this leaf. spraying would distort the colony shape and texture. second pic looks like superficial damage to the leaf. don't spray copper fungicide on flowers, just in case. FYI it will never be effective against WPM. there is no product on the market or even available to large farms that is effective. sad truth. sprays will just spread it around. It may look 'better' initially but then it blooms all over the fucking place, again, lol, no matter what spray you use. That was shown to work well... important to do it in the dark cycle. there is a magazine/news article that this url is based off of. The original source might be best.

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