Hello mates, it's finally the time to share the last week of this little girl.
I checked her trichomes at the beginning of the week, after seeing the trichomes of all the plants in the space, i decided to do the harvest at the end of this week.
This plant wasn't properly syncronized with the others but i could't harvest in a differently time because the only space in which i dry the buds is the same tent.
I gave water two days then i stopped three days before harvest
Anyway this is the concentration i saw:
Mimosa Gum: few amber trichomes but the milky ones were enought, probably the firsts smokes will be more cerebral than i would expect.
tot: 40% transparent - 57% milky - 3% amber
@Fatnastyz, ahahah i'm sorry to say that i did this plant together with Amnesia e Bruce Banner. I put every time the germination data but i never found it after.
For now i'm not able to upload during the work 😅