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PurplOrange Power!

7 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
26 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
8 years ago
5.08 cm
It was in seedling state for a while, but she's found her legs.
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Week 2. Vegetation
8 years ago
12.7 cm
15 hrs
29 °C
60 %
Finally starting to look decent and push out some leaves! My first photo plant is getting a better start than my recent outdoor autos. I have a bomb seeds THC bomb (a purple auto that's the same age as this P/O CBD and I may have to toss a pic of her in for comparison.... Maybe not
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Week 3. Vegetation
8 years ago
25.4 cm
15 hrs
29 °C
70 %
Looks like my timing was off slightly. She popped out of the soil may 14. She's one month today. Sorry!!
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Week 4. Vegetation
8 years ago
25.4 cm
15 hrs
29 °C
70 %
Nutrients 10
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 1.302 mll
Gaia Mania - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Gaia Mania 1.302 mll
Athena’s Aminas - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Athena’s Aminas 1.302 mll
I forget when exactly it happened, but I came home and it had been windy that day, the poor girl was completely horizontal! I put a bare copper wire on her for support. She currently appears to be stabilized
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Week 5. Vegetation
8 years ago
60.96 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
700 PPM
45 %
Nutrients 12
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 2.604 mll
Gaia Mania - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Gaia Mania 2.604 mll
Athena’s Aminas - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Athena’s Aminas 2.604 mll
She's starting to get bigger!! More foods! My phone hates this website. It's frustrating to write the least. Lots of lag. Any whoozles, we're getting interesting now. I doubt I'm going to train her, a nice big Xmas tree we'll see!!
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Week 6. Vegetation
8 years ago
91.44 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
750 PPM
45 %
Nutrients 12
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 2.604 mll
Athena’s Aminas - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Athena’s Aminas 2.604 mll
Demeter’s Destiny - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Demeter’s Destiny 1.302 mll
I'm about to do a feed here shortly, so I'll have lots of good info to post. Also going to do my best keeping up from here on through October/November.. getting ready to haven't my first round of outdoor autos, 2 white widow XTRM from ams, and 2 gorilla glue by fast buds. About another week or two. I'm still learning how to read the plant when it comes to ripeness and when growth has stopped but before foxtails, but you prolly aware of all this train of thought, anyways. I'll get actual measurements of her Towerness today with the feed
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Week 7. Vegetation
8 years ago
121.92 cm
17 hrs
31 °C
900 PPM
95 %
Nutrients 10
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 2.604 mll
Athena’s Aminas - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Athena’s Aminas 2.604 mll
Demeter’s Destiny - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Demeter’s Destiny 1.302 mll
Lots of rain this week! I also did a flush with Demeter's, Aphrodite's, and Herculean. It's getting pretty sizeable, gonna have to carve some bushes to get a safe alcove from prying eyes. Thanks for stopping by! Happy growing!! Oh yeah! - 2 gallons of water
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Week 8. Vegetation
8 years ago
162.56 cm
14 hrs
32 °C
1600 PPM
90 %
Nutrients 10
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 2.604 mll
Athena’s Aminas - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Athena’s Aminas 3.906 mll
Demeter’s Destiny - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Demeter’s Destiny 2.604 mll
Been quite humid this week. Some rain. We're going into an extended stretch of hot hazy humid in the Next week, so I'll do my absolute best to keep her happy. She is getting ready to show sex. I read that to increase yield, you should clip the subordinate flower shoots from the branches, leaving just the end to become a huge concentrated flower. Being my first photo and first year growing, altogether, I figured just defol for this girl. I really hope she stops going vertical soon! She's gonna end up over my privacy fence! I'll figure something out. Happy growing!
Week 9. Vegetation
8 years ago
190.5 cm
14 hrs
34 °C
1250 PPM
90 %
Nutrients 10
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 1.302 mll
Athena’s Aminas - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Athena’s Aminas 3.906 mll
Demeter’s Destiny - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Demeter’s Destiny 3.906 mll
Lots of heat, lots of humidity (greater DC metro area). Sorry the pics aren't more plentiful and varied, but it is what it is. I dug a small hole to sink the pot into to lower it's crown heights. It needs to go down another 8 inches, but it's good for now. She still hasn't shown sex, but I'm thinking she's almost there. Overall, I think vertical growth has slowed dramatically. Thanks for having a peek! Happy and healthy growing!!
Week 10. Vegetation
8 years ago
213.36 cm
13 hrs
32 °C
90 %
Nutrients 11
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 1.302 mll
Athena’s Aminas - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Athena’s Aminas 7.812 mll
Demeter’s Destiny - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Demeter’s Destiny 3.906 mll
Got lax with the pics again. Sorry, but it's hard to photograph paint drying, y'know? Uhh... Got to scope the one neighbor whose fence is my privacy. He seemed quite into his task and not minding the space above his head, thankfully. Nowww JUST FLOWER ALREADY!!! Subsequently, when it does, I hope it isn't like roadkill; or that it does.... Idk. I brought in a Dutch passion auto daquari lime inside because I want it to flower real nice - I need about 7 more ona blocks!!😌😓😱 She's a stinky sativa. And my wife may kill me for it. Back on topic - I've cut back on Medusa's magic and may eliminate it to cut out all the N I can. Haven't topped it because I want to see what she's capable of, but that is becoming my chagrin. Thanks for hanging out!! Happy growing!!
Week 11. Vegetation
8 years ago
243.84 cm
13 hrs
31 °C
1800 PPM
90 %
Nutrients 11
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 1.302 mll
Athena’s Aminas - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Athena’s Aminas 7.812 mll
Demeter’s Destiny - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Demeter’s Destiny 3.906 mll
Not much to report. I've removed as much nitrogen as I can to slow her down, but not much doing. If I top her, won't two subsidiary shoots restart and keep getting taller? Because of the calcium in this line, and the kraken is designed specifically to strengthen everything and make it rigid, I can't really tie anything down to train it, unless I'm on her like white on rice. Fully agreed, I must quell the height! Looking into it now (again) Thanks for having a peek, Happy growing!!
Week 12. Vegetation
8 years ago
254 cm
13 hrs
28 °C
1800 PPM
65 %
Nutrients 11
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 2.604 mll
Athena’s Aminas - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Athena’s Aminas 7.812 mll
Demeter’s Destiny - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Demeter’s Destiny 3.906 mll
Yayyyy!! It's a lady! Very faint/delicate smell emanating from the pre-flower; if this trend continues, I'll only need worry about visual detection. It seems as though main vertical growth has slowed tremendously and the plant has turned that energy into branch node flowers. I've kind of stopped with defoliation because I've become overwhelmed. I'm very much looking forward to the potential medicinal value for muscle fatigue related to scoliosis, ADD symptoms/issues, as well as abating my sleep/sleeping issues. Thanks for having a peek! Sorry I was late this week! And as always - happy healthy and prosperous growing!!
1 comment
Week 13. Flowering
8 years ago
254 cm
13 hrs
28 °C
1800 PPM
85 %
Nutrients 13
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 2.604 mll
Athena’s Aminas - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Athena’s Aminas 7.812 mll
Demeter’s Destiny - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Demeter’s Destiny 2.604 mll
So as you've read, I had a torrential deluge that decided to pop through, and am I ever happy for the kraken! I don't know if that is the sole reason I didn't suffer bigger loses, or rather any at all, but this product is definitely not leaving my line up, especially outdoor!! Thank you to The Beard and Frank! (I hope you're feeling better, I just got my order of 1 gallon each Poseidon's enzimes and kaotic blooming, and a bucket of harvesting Herculean harvests) I wanted to do foliar with the bloom khaos, but may still hit her a few times even though I began watering it in today, 8/16. Still no stank yet. Crossing eyes and fingers! Thanks for having a peek!! Happy, healthy and prosperous growing!!
Week 14. Flowering
8 years ago
264.16 cm
13 hrs
32 °C
2300 PPM
90 %
Nutrients 14
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 2.604 mll
Athena’s Aminas - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Athena’s Aminas 7.812 mll
Demeter’s Destiny - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Demeter’s Destiny 2.604 mll
I had forgotten about the slf -- I've been employing that from the onset, my apologies for it's exclusion. Another humid, hot week. She was a touch stressed (droopy for being thirsty) so I gave her a DECENT drink of water. Which brings be too my next omission - I've been gathering water in 5 gallon buckets, once a week, from a designated watershed, in a very upstream, high volume section. Onto the hacktual factuals: we managed to stay upright this week. The mosquitoes are relentless when I'm watering, which generally occurs in the evening. Starting to push the Herculean harvest (though I just realized I need to go harder, but I'm also being helped with Triton's trawl here and could probably go another 3tsp and not worry) in conjunction with bloom khaos. I'm trying to keep the athenas animas at a 1:1 ratio. The slf (designed to digest calcium, which is nectar's base) claims to only require 1tsp/gallon,, but I'm thinking that I'll need at least 3tsp/G to keep the nutrients from just setting on top of my soil. Future plans (& and repetitive redundancies): I've got a fair amount of liquid bone meal, and I'll try to remember to get a shot of my line up this week, as well as more photos in general, but as a new grower I'm finding what most seasoned 'thumbs already know - it takes time. I guess that wraps it up this week, so I'll bud you adieux! Until next 'weed week Wednesday', may your plants live long, and prosper. 🖖
Week 15. Flowering
8 years ago
279.4 cm
13 hrs
28 °C
2200 PPM
50 %
Nutrients 14
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 2.604 mll
Athena’s Aminas - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Athena’s Aminas 7.812 mll
Demeter’s Destiny - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Demeter’s Destiny 2.604 mll
Had a weekend out, nectar flush on Friday and feed her on Monday. She was a little wild yesterday, but withing 1 hour of feeding, she was all rainbows and koala farts. Still just chugging along. Small report this week. Happy healthy and bombastic growing!!
Week 16. Flowering
7 years ago
279.4 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
2650 PPM
70 %
Nutrients 14
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 2.604 mll
Athena’s Aminas - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Athena’s Aminas 10.417 mll
Demeter’s Destiny - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Demeter’s Destiny 3.906 mll
Yeah! Got a few pics this week. The pretty much tell the story. I've been planning for my indoor auto season. I'll probably keep one more journal here, tandem with AFN, but after that I'll probably just hang out there, idk. Anyway -- I get more anxious about someone stealing her every day. And next Tuesday, I'm headed to Belgium for a week. Excited for vacation, nervous about leaving her. I'll have a close person put the 9/15 flush-feed into her, maybe just water, I don't think that'd hurt her for one feed. I'll see what's easiest with my PIC. I have a week to suss it all out. Thanks for having a peek! Happy, flourishing flowering to you all!
Week 17. Flowering
7 years ago
279.4 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
2150 PPM
60 %
22 °C
18 °C
26 L
8 L
2.54 cm
Nutrients 14
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 1.302 mll
Athena’s Aminas - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Athena’s Aminas 7.812 mll
Demeter’s Destiny - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Demeter’s Destiny 2.604 mll
Mega Morpheus was switched to Persephone's palate 2 weeks ago, sorry. Spent a week in Belgium and had a close person just plain water the plant once, in the middle of my vacation. Due to this I have a lack of photojournalism. Sowwy!!! Less than a month! I have projected to harvest this girl on 10/14. Gonna have two buddies help me harvest because it's fun and I've known these dudes 10 years, literally the first two people I met when I moved to this state. Should be a good campfire 😎 Thanks for having a peek! I wish you all easy and complete sugar translocation in your upcoming and recently passed harvests!! Cheers and don't forget to LOVE
Week 18. Flowering
7 years ago
279.4 cm
12 hrs
29 °C
2150 PPM
45 %
22 °C
14 °C
26 L
8 L
2.54 cm
Nutrients 15
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 1.302 mll
Athena’s Aminas - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Athena’s Aminas 7.812 mll
Demeter’s Destiny - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Demeter’s Destiny 2.604 mll
Getting down to the wire! I check the trichome color 2 time a day (10 clear 80 milky 10 Amber). She's finishing fast!! I think she's gonna get the chop here real soon, possibly this weekend. I've already got one of my trimming buddies requesting some for his sister in law (recent double mastectomy 😢), so I get to help out!! I'll be sure to include any outsider's thoughts and opinions in the final harvest report. Funny thing is: he thinks he's gonna pay me for it 😂😂! No, my friend - if it's being used as medicine, it's my pleasure! Have a look at the pics, most of the hairs have changed to brown, but she still has another 11 days until breeders recommended maturity. Either way, I'm beginning the nectar's flush/ripen period now Any input on harvest would be fantabulous! Much love and happy growing!
Week 18. Harvest
7 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
I haven't gotten to sample, still drying. Will update. *Update*:: it's kind of a heavy smoke without being overwhelming; after 30 or so minutes, I get real heavy eyelids and just wanna naaaaaaaappp.. zzz...zzz... I have samples going out to totally unrelated people and will be collecting their thoughts, as well. I obviously will have some for a while and hope it gets sweeter as the cure sets in. Ok. I've ran out of things to say, but my outcome is still yellow... Gimme Green!!! My reason for harvesting was increasing chances of bud rot (2% of total weight found). Also, my plant would no longer be receiving direct sunlight for more than 2 hours a day, so I figured, why not? Had a trim party with my hombres Kenny and Matteo! I did not get a wet weight, but would it be useful with all them sticks still attached? Either way, I'm conservatively guessing 6 zips dried, realistically 8 zips, and optimistically 12 zips. Again, that's a pure speculative guess and I'll be sure to weigh up, and date-up, this weekend for actual factuals, taste and effect details as well! Stay tuned, don't touch that dial and more bulletins as events warrant. Also of note - as we were beginning to trim, 'Mary Jane's Last Dance' came on my Pandora list. RIP Mr Petty - thanks for the music
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Spent 127 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
311.85 g
Bud wet weight per plant
311.85 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Hungry, Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes
Negative effects
Berries, Fruity, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Overall - this plant is quite easy, if a little leafy, but that's fine too. I like all the updates and new options that are becoming available so that you can truly include all the information to your heart's content. Again, I'll be back with missing info in another week and again as the cure sets in! Happy growing everyone! Thanks for hanging around, and I'll see you around. As always - i wish you happy healthy and prosperous growing!!


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Korfercommentedweek 187 years ago
Filled jars porn !!! :D Maybe a bit too filled as might want to fill them a bit less to ensure good aeration when burping
Korfercommented7 years ago
@Benji, You're welcome :)
Benjicommented7 years ago
@Korfer, I'm finding that out!! Haha! I think I'm going to take them out fully tonight for maybe 20 minutes and see where that gets us. Thanks for the tip!
DabCrabcommentedweek 108 years ago
^^^ Yeah, give her a nice topping. She needs it :D
organicallycommentedweek 118 years ago
nice, i want to try out this strain in future too, good luck, subscribed 😉
Benjicommented5 years ago
@organically, I've done this inside, now, as well . Super easy, and high recommended
DabCrabcommentedweek 88 years ago
She's looking very branchy, looks like she may need some more direct sunlight.
Benjicommented8 years ago
@DabCrab, unfortunately that's not really an option, she's got to stay behind a bush wall; I did thin The Wall today. Good looking out! Thanks!
JUNGLE_B4RNScommentedweek 108 years ago
2 of you are growing that strain, both plants are huge, that plant is amazing 👍
Benjicommentedweek 148 years ago
Sorry, I interrupted my own thoughts --- Athena's animas at a 1:1 with Aphrodite's extraction, but may be dipping lower with those two, in favor of more kraken and Triton's
Agedddcommentedweek 138 years ago
What a monster !!!! Healthy, big sized and strong. Im thinking of the bud size :D
Agedddcommented7 years ago
@Benji, exponential saliva and hairs growing 😏
Benjicommented7 years ago
@Ageddd, they're slow to form, but they're getting theirs over there 🙄😑😎. No new white hairs, getting me nervous and salivaty
simpscommentedweek 167 years ago
Your in the same spot I'm in I'm at like 6 to7 week and my tricks are telling me it's chop time so I'm going for it
Benjicommented7 years ago
@simps, yeah. She was getting very little sunshine. Thought she did show signs of turning color, so that was nice. It was a tough decision, but I'm glad I made it Now that my nerve-wracking grow is over, I can relax inside and catch up on all you beautiful people's diaries!!
Toninocommentedweek 177 years ago
girls and looking great do you know what percentage CBd is
Benjicommented7 years ago
@Tonino, I doubt I'll have it actually analyzed, but breeder claims it to be 10:5 -- CBD:THC , but I also saw those numbers reversed in one description. Dinafem claims it to be their highest CBD:THC plant in their arsenal. Very nice citrus smell. I'm excited and nervous to watch her finish; tricome checks every twelve hours! Hahaha! My projected date May be moved forward and I doubt the weather will cooperate and cool quickly enough for the purple to express itself Oh well! Thanks for having a peek!
Bigpuncommentedweek 167 years ago
Wow screw tiptoeing Through the Tulips I wanna tiptoe through the trichomes!!! Great job mang
Benjicommented7 years ago
@Bigpun, traipse through trichomes in a tricorn hat! Without trepidation! Tragically - this is treason. ... Tanked
JUNGLE_B4RNScommentedweek 158 years ago
Cannabis 1 - Garden Bushes 0 😄😄😄
Benjicommented8 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, haha, it's been an interesting para-symbiotic relationship. The bushes create cover, but steal the sun; too much trimming and my cover's undone. It's a tightrope walk!
Yololivecommentedweek 148 years ago
Nice Purple Orange Benji! It seems we're the only ones growing this strain on here. How big is the stalk-in diameter? Mine's over 2 inches in diameter. I went with larger containers this season, and it has definitely made a dramatic increase in size! I was using 5 gallon containers, but the plants always seemed to get root bound quickly. No more 5 gal!
Benjicommented8 years ago
@Yololive, I think I'm nearing 1.75" diameter (and that might even be an overestimation). My girlie is in a 7 gallon, with a riser (to simulate more soil volume, but as the top roots go more downward rather than sprawling, you can save a good bit of soil). However, there are no holes for the roots to go into the lower tier @ its surface level (rookie error that I realized after it was too late to remedy); I'll draw a pic and you'll see. I think we're the only people, other than Dinafem, to do any growing of this strain *worldwide* and if not we're certainly the only ones documenting our grows. I am searching constantly for info. Seedfinder has some.. has yours begin to odor up at all? Mines still innocuous. How many years experience have you got?
Bigpuncommentedweek 187 years ago
Congratulations buddy great job the buds look good party at your place🤘🤘
JUNGLE_B4RNScommentedweek 187 years ago
It was such a great grow, very happy to have followed you, please do it again 👍😊
CBD_Swedencommentedweek 187 years ago
Great harvest. 👍👍
420_liquidsuncommentedweek 187 years ago
Well done bro! That's a nice harvest.. 💪🏻
JUNGLE_B4RNScommentedweek 138 years ago
Strong plant 💪
simpscommentedweek 138 years ago
Nice outdoor grow love to see outdoor growing lol looking good
Tryhardcommentedweek 138 years ago
Wow she's big a beautiful nice pal best of luck
JUNGLE_B4RNScommentedweek 88 years ago
Yeah bro you better top it , I've just had a look on breeders comments, that plant can yield 1Kg outdoor, it's a massive monster that you're growing 😅
the end.
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PurplOrange Power!PurplOrange Power!
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