1. She is growing short and squat! Leaves are fat. She started out a little slower than the other girls in the tent, but she is starting to pick it up.
2. She received her first full strength feeding of Recharge this week. She has developed her first set of true fan leaves, and is quickly developing the next set. I like to start feeding once the plant begins its 2nd set of true leaves. I'll begin with .25 strength then increase to .5 strength. Depending on her reaction, I'll kick it up to full strength within the next 2-3 weeks.
@royaljack128, I've grown this strain twice now and neither plant had an over-powering aroma. Its kinda caramel-like. It's much more fragrant after curing..
@GandalfTheGreen, Thanks! This is the second time I've grown this strain. I'm thinking this harvest will be 3x larger than the last time. It's amazing how much difference a year makes in terms of growing experience.