📆 [03.12.] - Day 7️⃣4️⃣
🌺 Flower Day 5️⃣0️⃣
🌡️ 20.6°C - 25.9°C ☁️ Rh: 44% - 55%
💦 Top watered each one with 1000ml filtered rain water. Small drainage coming out.
💬 Trichomes are looking good enough for my taste, going to harvest them tomorrow or the day after.
📆 [04.12.] - Day 7️⃣5️⃣
🌺 Flower Day 5️⃣1️⃣
🌡️ 20.4°C - 26.2°C ☁️ Rh: 44% - 56%
- Nothing -
💬 Going to harvest them tomorrow evening after their night cycle ends / before the light cycle begins.
📆 [05.12.] - Day 7️⃣6️⃣ - Harvest day :)
🌺 Flower Day 5️⃣2️⃣
🌡️ 21.2°C - 25.3°C ☁️ Rh: 45% - 53%
💬 Going to harvest them this evening after their night cycle ends / before the light cycle begins.
💬 Harvested both plants. Drying the whole plants hung upside down for around 2 weeks at around 15-18°C / 50-55% rh
📆 [14.12.] Drying Day 1️⃣0️⃣
💬 Cut plants down roughly and placed the stalks into a big container for a couple more days of drying before trimming / weighing & placing them in a jar