12/12/24 Short Facts:
Watered: 1 x 2.4L, 1 x 2.5L, 1 x 2.5L — Total: 7.4L
VPD @ 1.4
Light @ 70% (~700 to 950 PPFD)
Stopped watering with fertilizers, only water, CalMag and Silicia Force
I’ve stopped watering with fertilizer because I’m planning to harvest her in the coming days.
You can already see that she’s slowly dying. I hope she’ll put all her remaining energy into her flowers in these final days.
I’m going to dry her, but only because there’s a new method I want to try. You can now place the harvested buds into a special plastic bag immediately after harvest. These bags are designed to let water out while preserving the terpenes almost completely intact. One of the German grow shops selling these bags tested different samples in a lab, and the results seem to support their claims.
If it works, great! If not and the harvest ends up molding, I don’t mind. 98% of the harvest will already have to be trashed due to the legal limit.
@yun23, That is sadly true.But, I do hope, that I have everything, that I need for right now 😀
The heating mats actually do help, I think the plants can deal better with cooler temperatures in the tent, because the cold isn't creeping in from below.