The buds are developing nicely and some pistils started to turn orange. I tested different things for the watering this week to avoid having too dry soil or too much excess water. The Wedding Cheesecake continues to have yellow leaves at the bottom despite the add of some biogrow. Overall it looks ok and the buds are growing so I'm not too concerned. I saw no particular issues due to the light leak from last week.
Bonitos cogollos esta semana!
No te preocupes por las hojas amarillas, es normal en floración
Además, si intentas añadir Nitrogeno ahora puedes provocar un desequilibrio, y no te interesa!
@nonick123, Thanks! The Wedding Cheesecake shows more and more signs of what I think are nutrient burns (I will post a pic of that next week). I've tried to give it some nutrients one watering out of two to solve the problem. Maybe I should just removed the BioGrow (Nitrogen) as you propose and give it only BioBloom (P + K) at every watering like the two other plants which seem to show less signs of nutrient burns. I don't monitor anything so it's hard to give a proper diagnostis 😕 Anyway, thanks for your suggestion, I appreciate it and will try it!
Hola! Esos cogollos están preciosos esta semana!
Por una fuga de luz de unas horas y bajar a 14 ºC, NO es un problema. A mi me ha ocurrido, y han seguido con normalidad
Las plantas NO se van a volver hermafroditas ni nada, tal vez una pequeña relentización que se debe solventar en 1 ó 2 días
Eso si: ¡Evita que vuelva a ocurrir!
A las plantas NO les gusta las temperaturas por debajo de 18 ºC y NO les gustan las fugas de luz durante la floración!