Added a photo to show where I take RH/Temp measurements from in the tent, pretty much inside the canopy.
Went lower on EC this week to give the plant a little time to regenerate and pack some more before harvest.
The dehumidifier is pulling less and less moisture out of the air every day, this is a additional sign to me that the plant is nearing its end.
Not quite sure when to harvest, maybe next week or the week after, the plant isn't really stacking, it is frosty but I am missing the quantity, the pictures are kinda deceiving.
Values are average of the day.
DATE - °C - RH% (Tent Temp/RH)
20241216 23.6 61.7
20241217 24.2 62.2
20241218 23.3 61.5
20241219 22.9 61.7
20241220 22.1 60.7
20241221 23.1 61.5
20241222 22.6 60.9
20241216 6.09
20241217 6.03
20241218 6.14
20241219 6.16
20241220 5.99
20241221 5.97
20241222 5.87
20241216 74
20241217 63
20241218 30
20241219 11
20241220 50
20241221 24
20241222 82
DATE - EC(us/cm)
20241216 2097
20241217 2004
20241218 1692
20241219 1749
20241220 1636
20241221 1688
20241222 1695
20241216 20.97
20241217 20.05
20241218 16.92
20241219 17.49
20241220 16.36
20241221 16.88
20241222 16.95
DATE - °C (Reservoir)
20241216 22.1
20241217 22.1
20241218 21.8
20241219 22.2
20241220 20.9
20241221 21.6
20241222 21.4
@@Lambeta, Thanks :)
I am kinda disapointed with my plant tho, really slow growths and also has a weird mutation that I didn't notice before, will add pictures of that next week.