Pistils are starting to turn at a faster rate. Going to go full flush from here and make sure the smoke finishes terpy. Calyx are starting to fully form behind the pistils. Fade came in too early but hopefully we don't end with any crispy leaves.
Day 51, Watering...
Day 53, calyx starting to really form. Some leaves removed that had crispy ends. Noted for next time. Have to feed more later on. Smells amazing. Loads of purple. I hazard by the end of day 70 it's going to be a crispy mess on some. Will remove as I go.
Day 56. Really starting to fatten up, smell is way more citrus coming in now. Sweet as can be. Leaves continue to fade. Pulled a load more. Looking at the plants it's not long left now. 9 weeks is what the breeders say, 10 weeks is what my friend says. I'm gonna watch and wait until I feel she's ready.
@Callys_Garden, if you ever switch to dry amendments there's some good tips. You seem to have Coco down. It's whatever works for you. Thanks Cally. Mush love