Quite the eventful week for my plant, they have gotten their first dose of heavy watering with a little bit of Humic Acid and Seaweed extract. also gotten a big defoliation to give the bud sites in coming a little more light, I hope the plants are doing to start stretching a little now as I wanted to grow them out to about a meter maybe a little less before they go into flower.
but we will see how that goes
PS. welp, a quick update, My plants are having quite the problem with Calcium, either they are locked out by infrequent watering(which I doubt, they never dried out completely IMO) or just don't have enough even though im using an all in one kit and have dosed with CalMag to address the issue.
Ive gone out and gotten two different calcium powders(all organic, I don't give my plants anything nonorganic) which I will use lightly one after another to see what the problem is exactly.
The Calcium powders are by Hubey, an owner of a local Headshop in Hamburg called Udopea(ShoutOut to them, awesome crew and great Stock, will even order something for you!).
Have fun growing y'all!
🌺 Your plants are absolute beauties! It’s clear they’re thriving with so much care and skill 🌞🌱.
Would love if you could return the favor by liking and commenting on my Zamnesia diary 💕