6500Evo 9 (627w) 13on/11off, Creeping power up to 9 slowly over the week.
UVA 365-370nm 12mins/hr (54w)
IR (28w) 15mins before/after lights out and while main light is on
DR 660nm 1m on/3m off w/ main light (51w)
Sub Canopy 13on/11off
PPFD 900-1200, (Sub Canopy not included)
3 EC
6.2 pH
Girls smell something lovely, Citrus with a touch a pine, soap, with a bit of stank on top.
Damn these are filling that 4x4 out nicely, I think I am going to aquires some supplies and build me a scrog, top my girls and see how I can fill it up :)