The plant was huge and it took a long time to trim. I simply threw away a lot of small buds at the end of the trimming process because otherwise I would never have finished.
I first harvested the large buds and then illuminated the rest of the plant for another 10 days and then harvested the rest of the shoots. Unfortunately, since I have very low humidity at the moment, drying only takes 5 days. This will definitely affect the taste but I couldn't change it.
Everything is now packed in Groovebags with Bovedas to regulate the residual moisture.
When harvesting the main bud I achieved 364 grams and 10 days later I was able to harvest another 100 grams dry weight.
This brings me to a total dry weight of 464 grams. Not bad for a plant. I couldn't find any mold, although that was my main concern. A really good strain, very resistant and easy to care for!