I almost forgot to update. Can’t believe last week went so fast. Anyway, I ran into one good problem to have and a not-so-good problem. The good problem is that the tops are getting too heavy. I don’t have yo-yos but I do have miles of garden wire. It did the trick. The other problem is that the tips are bleaching white from being too close to the light. Nothing I can do at this point. That’s what I get for not keeping her low for longer in the first week of flower. I knew better 😖
@SommerVirelli,thanks man much appreciated iv just had a look at your lucid blue finished well some nice rosin for sure top work looking forward to seeing more
@CRiSPrGrow, today I switched to my “transition” spray, which is a mix of (off the top of my head) Simply Silica, Athena’s Aminas, Budcharge, and Ful-Power. I will alternate this every other day with a foliar made of only Bloom Khaos until I see flowers.