
Laughing Buddha - 40x40 cm Growtent

5 days ago
King Power
100mm kit
Spider Farmer
Clip Ventilator
120mm USB PC Ventilator
Duct Fan Controller
Spider Farmer
Duct Fan Controller
Spider Farmer
My lungs
My lungs
Room Type
weeks 2-3
weeks 2-3, 5
weeks 3, 5-7
weeks 6-7
Grow medium
Grow medium
12 L
Pot Size
0.8 L
Grow Conditions
Week 7
12 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Blackbox Blackbox
5 days ago
###Update day 49: In the pot, I discovered some dry spots at the bottom and on the sides while feeling around. So, Hemprietta got a proper bath with 1.4 liters of water. I hope the substrate now fully soaks up the moisture again. Hemprietta is a bit upset with me – her leaves are drooping quite a bit. I’ve switched the light cycle to 12/12 to initiate flowering… it’s happening! ----- Im Topf habe ich einige trockene Stellen unten und an der Seite beim Abtasten entdeckt. Daher hat Hemprietta ein ordentliches Bad mit 1,4 Liter Wasser bekommen. Ich hoffe, dass sich das Substrat nun wieder vollständig voll saugt. Hemprietta ist ein wenig sauer mit mir - sie lässt die Blätter ganz schön hängen. Ich habe den Lichtzyklus auf 12/12 umgestellt, um die Blüte einzuleiten... Es geht los! ###Update day 50 Of course, I forgot to turn the timer back on after adjusting it. Hemprietta has now had a 20-hour sunbath. And now, 10 hours of darkness will follow. That seems like quite a lot of stress for her biological cycle. Sounds familiar to me – on weekends, I feel the same: first too many drinks, then too long under colorful LED lights, and then at least 10 hours of sleep. I hope Hemprietta handles it better, though her leaves are still drooping despite the generous watering. At least Hemprietta didn’t have any tequila. ----- Natürlich habe ich vergessen dir Zeitschaltuhr nach dem Verstellen wieder einzuschalten. Hemprietta hat nun ein 20 Stunden Sonnenbad hinter sich. Und nun folgen 10 Stunden Dunkelheit. Das scheint mir ein ganz schön starker Stress für den Biozyklus zu sein. Kommt mir bekannt vor - am Wochenende geht's mir auch so: Erst zu viel Getränke, dann zu lange im bunten LED Licht und anschließend mindestens 10 Stunden schlafen. Hoffe Hemprietta kommt damit besser klar, denn die Blätter hängen nach dem ausgiebigen Gießen nach wie vor... Wenigstens hatte Hemprietta keinen Tequila. ###Update day 51: Today, I tried out a new pH test strip with slightly higher accuracy and tested the watering solution. Interestingly, the pH value is actually closer to pH 6. Therefore, I’m now leaving out the pH reducer. Honestly, it was pretty exhausting to measure 0.2 ml precisely anyway. Since the leaves are developing brown spots here and there again, I’m increasing the CalMag dosage, even though it probably won’t make much of a difference now that flowering is starting. I calculated that to correct the calcium level to a target value of 100 mg/l during the pre-flowering phase, I’d need to add about 2 ml/l of CalMag. However, since my tap water contains only 4 mg/l of magnesium, this increases the magnesium level to only 26 mg/l, resulting in a ratio of 4:1. Not ideal, but probably better than before :-) I really wonder if the rock dust I mixed into the substrate contributes anything to the availability of calcium and magnesium. I did mix in a fair amount. You’re constantly tempted to improve something with your plants – it’s terrible :-) That’s why I’m now adding BioBizz Grow, Bloom, and TopMax to the watering solution following the fertilizer schedule, starting this week. Let’s see if Hemprietta appreciates it and if my urge to keep optimizing (and possibly accidentally disrupting a functioning system) will subside. ----- Ich habe heute einen neuen pH Teststreifen mit etwas höherer Genauigkeit ausprobiert und das Gießwasser geprobt. Interessanter Weise liegt der pH Wert tatsächlich eher um pH 6. Daher lasse ich nun den pH Senker weg. Es war ohnehin irgendwie ziemlich anstrengend 0.2ml genau zu dosieren. Weil die Blätter wieder hier und da braune Flecken bekommen erhöhe ich die CalMag Zugabe, auch wenn es jetzt wohl gar nicht mehr so viel bringen wird, nachdem die Blütezeit ansteht. Ich habe ausgerechnet, dass ich zur Korrektur des Kalziumswerts bei einem Zielwert von 100mg/l in der Vorblüte etwa 2ml/l CalMag zugeben muss. Da in meinem Leitungswasser aber nur 4 mg/l Magnesium vorhanden sind, erhöhe ich dabei den Magnesiumwert nur auf 26mg/l. Also ein Verhältnis von 4:1. Nicht optimal aber wahrscheinlich besser als vorher :-) Ich frage mich echt, ob das Urgesteinsmehl im Substrat irgendwas für die Verfügbarkeit von Kalzium und Magnesium bringt... Habe ja auch nicht wenig beigemischt. Man hat ja ständig Lust irgendwas an seinem Pflänzchen zu verbessern - echt schlimm :-) daher gebe ich nun dem Gießwasser BioBizz Grow, Bloom und Topmax nach Düngerschema beginnend mit dieser Woche zu - Mal sehen, ob sich Hemprietta darüber freut und mein Drang, weiter zu optimieren und damit evtl. auch ein laufendes System versehentlich zu stören, nachlässt.
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Grow Questions
Blackboxstarted grow question 3 days ago
The brown spots are appearing more prominently on the older leaves. Overall, the color of the leaves is rather light green compared to other grow diaries. What could I do to fix the deficiency?
Leaves. Color - Pale
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
John_Krameranswered grow question 2 days ago
Ca, N, K def
Soil_Chefanswered grow question 3 days ago
Either phosphorus deficiency or ph is locking out micros. Water with plain ph neutral water and foliar spray with fish fertilizer. Cures most fertilizer issues. If that don't stop the after a few waterings then I'd try a fish/kelp fertilizer compost tea
vremverdeanswered grow question 3 days ago
Final answer calmag toxicity . Look it up.

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Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 75 days ago
I love that I came by your page, I really like what I see! Keep up the good work! I’m soon done with my Black Muffin please have a visit if you can💜🌱
Greg_McGregerbergercommentedweek 322 days ago
I would advise staying away from metal for training. I have snapped a few branches over the years using them I like to use lst grow pots that have holes around the top. You can use string to gently pull each branch where you want.
Greg_McGregerbergercommented13 days ago
@Blackbox, I just saw your yarn and clip technique. That is awesome. Super simple but very
Greg_McGregerbergercommented16 days ago
@Blackbox, no problem. I actually keep a roll of cheap yarn by my tent at all times for training.
Blackboxcommented19 days ago
@Greg_McGregerberger, Thank you very much for your tip! I actually noticed that two of the shoots were damaged when I checked 12 hours after the training. Thanks to your advice, I’ve now fixed all the shoots, except for the main branches, using string and foldback clips.
Greg_McGregerbergercommentedweek 424 days ago
Looking great. I like the 4 branch mainline. Started two laughing buddhas last week along side some sour strawberry. Going to choose the best ones and give away the others.
Blackboxcommented21 days ago
@Greg_McGregerberger, nice! Have fun!
DuckeedWizardcommentedweek 4a month ago
Funny name, she looks strong, healthy stem!
Blackboxcommented25 days ago
@DuckeedWizard, Hemprietta really appreciates it when you speak about her stem like that... 😘😃
Only4passioncommentedweek 4a month ago
Nice work 🍀👏
Blackboxcommented25 days ago
@Only4passion, Thank you 🌿👋
Suemchencommentedweek 12 months ago
Good luck with your grow 🤙
Blackboxcommented2 months ago
@Suemchen, Thank you 👍🥦
Greg_McGregerbergercommentedweek 67 days ago
Looking reall good. Really wanted to do the Xmas ornaments but never got to it.