Adjusted the light schedule to 22/2 instead of 24/0. I did some experimenting and anything more than 2 hours of darkness tanks my temps and spikes the humidity. But in just one 2 hour sleep session, the twisting has started to correct itself and the leaves are no longer drooping. Not sure what to do about the nute burn. It’s not severe, at least not at the moment. It’s showing up on the tips of many leaves now but it’s still just the very tips. The amendments should be broken down by the end of this week and ready for uptake so if anything more is off, I’ll know soon.
Then as I was sweeping up in the grow tent I found little larvae dead in the dirt. Not sure what these could be. Didn’t take a pic and probably should have. I don’t see any holes or chew marks in my leaves and I checked for pests a few days ago and didn’t see any above the medium. Whatever they are, they don’t seem to be harming the plant in any way that I can see.
Watering 3 cups of water when the top inch is dry. I’m concerned about the height of the plant. I hope the stretch is over this week because I have no more vertical space and she’ll be growing into the light very soon. Bud formations look good and she’s starting to small a little bit.