Another week comes to an end. I made some slight adjustments to the growing conditions and defoliated a little bit. The girls are stacking up nicely and I try to smell the developing terps.
- adjustments to the maximum temperature to now be 23 degrees Celsius, following the crop steering idea
- watered all plants with 1,5L/plant
- defoliated, this time I do not have a before and after pic from the same day, but I guess you will get it anyway considering the other pictures provided
- checked the terps by touching the sugar leaves for the first time; got 2 slightly floral smells, 1 bubble gum smell and a choco smell
- substrate was surprisingly dried again, so I watered with 2L/plant
- checked the terps again, but this time with more time to smell and proper cleaning of fingers inbetween to not mix the aromas; I got front-left and back-right as a fruity-sweat almost tangerine like smell without the sour parts; right-front smells very much like your typical artificial bubble gum smell and back-left has a bubble gum smell too mixed with some slight gas (smells like a mix of bubble gum and solvents)
@Herbie101, you grow way better than I do my dude, don't be too humble :D
I would not recommend doing 4 plants in 10L pots in a 60cm x 60cm tent it's just way too much and needs constant monitoring :D
I plan to run one 20L pot in a 60x60 space when I upgrade my tent and try to make them wide by scrogging them. I guess trying different styles until you find the one you like is the way to go :D
I do wish you success and big harvests on your journey :)
@laxx, Hahaha sure it always feels different, but i'd love to have my runs look like this. I'm style trying to figure ouz how many plants in which potsize fit my tent and my growstyle the most.