Going to put in tank this week, tried 3 colas from clone. My last one was eaten by worms/caterpillars the size of trichome heads hope to have those gone. This plant smells like the best fondue that turns real sweet until it gets sucked dry.
Watering 80oz for 2 gal pots, this gets about 20%-35% runoff as the roots have not filled out 2 gal yet. I am testing in/out and substrate T/pH with soil pen to figure out feeding.
Nutes were 2 tsp/gal surge with 3 tsp/gal Epsom salts for training veg alternating water only/nutes, never got to do full Buddha grow but will do the starting flower routine outlined on Aurora bottles.
Surge 1-2 tsp/gal
Grow 2-3 tsp/gal
Bloom 4-6 tsp/gal