Going into tank this week. Tried 3 colas instead of SOG, Looks like it worked pretty well but does grow very dense and slow from the few weeks it took the clone to get to this shape.
Watering 80oz for 2 gal pots, this gets about 25%-35% runoff as the roots have not filled out 2 gal yet. I am testing in/out and substrate T/pH with soil pen to figure out feeding.
Nutes were 2 tsp/gal surge with 3 tsp/gal Epsom salts for training veg alternating water only/nutes, never got to do full Buddha grow but will do the starting flower routine outlined on Aurora bottles.
Surge 1-2 tsp/gal
Grow 2-3 tsp/gal
Bloom 4-6 tsp/gal