The Super Silver Haze Sisters had another Great week! They are getting very close to being done🙌 Plants #1 & 3 look to have atleast another week. Plant #2 is pretty much done and will be getting the chop in a few days🙏🙌 Other than that not too much going on they are just Ripening up😊 Thank for stopping by to check the diary out. Happy Growing an Plentiful Harvests🙏
@Gordy, Thats Awesome man. yea its so rewarding growing your own I love it! plus like you said when you put your love and time into it it comes out way better😎. yea i cant wait to see how these go. I've mainly grown indica/indica leaning hybrids but been switching it up lately. Did a Run of Growers Choice Diesel not to long ago an did not plan for that stretch in Flower hsaha but they all came out beautiful and smoke is awesome!
@Thee_HoffGuyy, I just finished my first grow ever and it was SSH. After smoking the bud, I no longer want to smoke the shit I've been ordering online. It's so much more harsh than what I grew. Hopefully your outcome is positive as well. 😊
@Gordy, Thanks John!! yea I love it too I haven't had it in a while so figured I'd grow it😊 lol it my first time growing this strain it'll be fun!! Happy growing
@SCAR17s, Right they may not be the most efficient but they produce and the heat they give off helps during the winter months. This week all three will go into the 1k watt veg tent😀
@Gordy, Thanks!! they are loving it and growing quick i was surprised that #2 pretty much caught up to #1 even tho #1 is like 2 weeks older than the others.
@CRiSPrGrow,Thanks Brother!! #1 really started showing some color with the slight temp drop👌 Plant #2 just got the cut today I'll have the update for it soon👍
@CRiSPrGrow, Thanks!! I hope so! I was surprised to see how well the one branch took the HST I really abused that one😂 but grew back awesome and is finally at that point where it has recover and just starting to explode with growth👍
@freshwaterjellyfish, thanks!! I've always loved its smoke, so figured why not grow some😎. I tend to grow mostly indica so its nice to switch it up. Just gunna have to flower em a lil smaller than i do with an indica leaning strain.