Welcome to first vegetation week.
Initially I didn't want to transplant that early, but the seedlings shot up and 3 needed some support to keep standing. So I decided to fill the pots.
We'll see if this was a good decision, the soil was mixed not long ago and might heat up. Because of that I mixed the upper half of the pot 1:1 with lightmix. As always, no risk no fun.
For watering my little gardener put some organic aloe in the blender and added mykorrhiza.
And as we start the first vegetation week I set the light from 16 to 18h.
Let's hope that soil doesn't roast my seedlings and have fun with selection. Only 3 will go into the raised bed...
One thing I learned is to avoid the big round eazyplugs for seeds. The seedlings are trying to escape because the hole is too big. Good for cuttings, for seeds the cubic ones are way better.
48h after transplanting into soil they really seem to feel comfortable with their new home.
96h in pots I gave some nematodes and cut hemp covers for soil. Plants seem to be healthy and grow very well.
Have a beautiful and green weekend...🌿💚
Das wird ja ein Pheno Hunt. Da würde sich lohnen von den Stärksten sich Clone zu sichern und bei regs. vieleicht auch sein eigenes Seedprojekt in die Wege zu leiten. Man weiß nie ob das Unicorn dabei ist. Viel Glück mit den Phenos.
@Stony_German, für ein Seedprojekt hab ich momentan eher keine Zeit, aber ja wer weiß... alles kann nichts muss 😁ich bin schon sehr glücklich diese Kreuzung testen zu dürfen.
@Momentum, naja ne kleine Selektion/Hunt geht schon, aber eigene Kreuzung und dann stabilisieren... da braucht es viel Zeit, Raum und Passion... aber schön, dass du hier her gefunden hast 👍 mal schauen was es am Ende wird😂😉 schönen Tag und schon mal guten Rutsch🌿💚