The week numbers represent the total weeks from day 1 of Germination
Weeks 17 - 23. 12 hours on, light height 24” from top of canopy. Controller settings as shown. Sunrise/sunset 15 minutes each.
Wks 20 -21 of flower UVB introduced @ 15 minutes on the hour between 10am - 2pm. (1¼ hours total exposure) No negative effects this week. Tops show slight increase in trichome development Wk 4. Pronounced terpenes overall.
Lights now mounted to crossbars with #3 dual carabiner hooks. Plenty of headroom between light fans and ceiling. Gained 7 inches more canopy. CkA canopy now @ 31” and Chocolope maintains 24”. Nice UVB footprint revealed lights off.
Wks 22 - 23 of flower UVB increases @ 15 minutes on the hour 10am & 2pm; 30 minutes on the hour @ 11 am - 1 pm (2 hours total exposure).
Slight increase in trichomes this time frame. Trichomes running clear. Terpenes are most prevalent in the morning. Earthy herbal aromas are present. Touch of floral and hash also.
CkA beginning to take on a brownish hue. Pistils mostly white but turning. Chocolope producing large dense buds. The plant went purple because of cold air from the air conditioning during extreme outside heat.
Because of the imbalance of phosphorus (P) in the nutrient mix, plant focus is on flower (wk 10 of soil feeding schedule). Plants beginning to consume reserves in the fans leaves. In other words its Fall in the tent and the leaves are turning color.
End of Flower Program
Wk 23 of flower UVB continued between 11am - 2 pm @ 15 minutes on the hour 10am & 2pm; 30 minutes on the hour @ 11 am - 1 pm (2 hours total exposure).
Nutrient feeding schedule for flower was wks 5 - 12+ (see last page).
Trichomes still running mostly clear, but pistils are 45% rust colored. Calculated move is, plants become fully ripe during finish program.