Starting the plants off
First time analyzing the pH. The pH of the tank was at 8.4. Brought it down to 5.7.
Two days later pH of 5.9.
Added epsom salt to supply Mg, targeted 50mg/L Mg.
After doing that, EC went up to 1.6, brought it down to 1.4 mS/cm and also reached a pH of 5.5.
EC keeps going up, now already at 1.6mS/cm. This means the plant takes up more of the water itself rather than the supplied nutrients, leading to a higher salt to water concentration. Bringing it down to 1.2mS/cm.
Its fine, they will airprune and die off.
I would make sure tho, that the tank itself is clean and cannot infect the roots with anything, also the tank needs to drain properly.