Thanks Patricia and the Zamnesia crew for your offer of 3x3 Biscotti seeds 🙏🙏🙏
Even though I have a nice clone library, I have wanted to try a new strain for a while. Biscotti seemed like the ideal strain for this. 💪
If 8 out of 9 seeds would germinate, this would be enough for my - tried and tested - setup of 8 XL AutoPots with 2x600 Watt HPS lights. But because I thought 8 out of 9 was a bit tight, I ordered an extra 3 Biscotti seeds separately. The two packages arrived on the same day. 👍
I am equally happy with the new nutritional tablets from Their Healthy Start tablets have been out of stock for a while now, 😥 but they are working on new tablets.👍 Today I received 32 prototype tablets, which I would like to test for them. 😍 They look great. A bit firmer pressed than their older models, and a bit greener 👽 Many thanks to the people at for the tablets and thanks for the trust in letting me test them. 🙏🙏🙏
After putting the seeds in the freezer for a few days, I cleaned up my grow room and was ready to start a new diary. This week I will take some pictures that I will add each time and update this diary. 😸
Day 1 Removed the seeds from the package and put them in a bowl of clean water. This way I can see if the seeds germinate. 😙
DAY 2 More than half of the seeds have germinatated 👌 ! I took the first picture 30 hours after I put the seeds in the water. 😇
DAY4 All seeds are cracked. All of them have germinated 😊 As you can see, the water is a bit troubled and there are some remains of the - I think - seed husks floating in the water. I refreshed the water.
DAY6 The sprouts have hardly grown. This surprised me. 😧 I just read that it is best to change the water daily. I did not do this. 😔 I also read that it is best not to leave the seeds in the water for too long once they have germinated. I did not do this either. 😖 Stupid me 😈 Hopefully everything will turn out fine.🙏. That's why I have decided to took the seeds out of the glass with water and put them in small pots filled with organic sowing soil (enriched with mycorrhiza (flower safer) and a tiny bit of Biovin).👍 I'm waiting in suspense! See you next week! 👻
Biscotti is one of my all time favorite strains. Following to see how she grows!
I soak my seeds in water for 48 -72 hours max. Usually there's at least a tiny root poking out by then. Either way I put it in soil after that and they pop within 3-5 days later. If 1 week passes and it don't sprout then it's a dud.