Total days above groundd: 6 to 7 for the ones that matter
Based on a 2.5-4 day range of the sprouts showing promise, this is 6 or 7 days above ground depending on the seedling in question. Seven are no-brainers. About 4 others are probably good enough to use. The other five have various problems or been thrown out already. One doesn't have a growth tip - just 2 cotys chilling for a week. A few others look to have a leaf defect that i've seen before and never bodes well long-term.
Even the first-sprouting Oreoz with the damaged cotyledons is looking okay, albeit smaller than the rest. The first set of serated leaves are big enough to help carry the load, now.
At the very least the decision to use 8 or 10 plants won't be a forced decision. I've treated these a little better than normal by employing a humidifier set at 60%. The heat mat has been off for a few days at this point, too. Will pot-up in 5-7 days. I let the rootball develop a few more days than normal last grow cycle and liked the results.
Leaning toward 8 plants. Four zoap, three oreoz and one garlic storm^2. I might pot-up more than 8 due to how few resources/effort it takes to let them tag along a bit longer.
Fem Breeding Cycle
Day 12 for the STS-applied plant and day 5 for the other 4 plants.