1. week Vegetation
From three seedlings now only two are left. One died from sudden stemrott. Its just fell over and died over night.
This happens very rarely to me. Lets hope for the remaining two to be beauty queens :=)
I did not add Plagron Green sensation to my baby plants yet. In fact...Nobody should ever add Plagron Green Sensation at this state. Plagron Green sensation is ment for flowering only!
I only added Plagron Green sensation to this diary upload because of the competition. By adding any fertilizer at this state the likelyness of killing the seedlings goes through the roof.
I honestly don't think anyone added the green sensation yet I used other plagron rooting stuff but not the provided stuff.
It's just so u can be added to the contest they ask u to add plagron to ur nutrients u could have waiter till ur in flower to add it then join later when u did add it.
Best of luck to you !.