
Thrips in DWC

5 years ago
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weeks Technique
Grow Conditions
Week 5
20 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Commented by
BigDaddyK BigDaddyK
6 years ago
Changed solution today EC is 1.8 - the base is 0.5 so the nutrients are +1.3=650 ppm Ph is 6.12 PH drops very quickly in these two weeks, can drop -1 overnight.
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Grow Questions
BigDaddyKstarted grow question 5 years ago
Has anyone successfully killed THRIPS ?
Leaves. Other
Budofprayanswered grow question 5 years ago
yop bigDaddyK ! the first Reason if you have thrips in your home in indoor (wich normally is a complete controlled aera) means that you let them in ๐Ÿ˜‰you have to finds wich parameters sucks to fix themโ€ฆ (sometimes it s just because we re-use ancient infected soil ๐Ÿ˜œ...but all the time there is a reason) but i'am conscious it s sometimes hard to find this/these Reason(s) So if you can't find and fix the my point of view there is only tree things that you can do ! first homemade tip : to limit action : blue chromatic glue traps ! this can just help you to limit their travelโ€ฆ. strangely thrips are attracted by bright blue color ! expensive but you have bio fight to curing : it s not often easy to find (dรฉpends of where you leave ) buy some insect predator to thrips...but it's best to buy them directly to a specialised store...if you Don't have this be sure that the website wich sell this have a good packaging system wich let them live during shipping time... the third and for me the best is to prevent infectionsโ€ฆ that mean's thinking before to prepare the best media culture to avoid this problem. and you have to use fungies ! to fight against pets it is really interresting ! some strain of trhicoderma are incredibly usefullโ€ฆ same for etco-mychorhizae but they need a biotope to correctly be used to do their job. specifics thricodermas when it's completly fixed in symbiosis with root's weed have the amazing abilitie to move through the veines to the leaves as a mobile it could disturbing thrips activitiesโ€ฆ and if ur fungies soil's activation is correctly done they can infected thrips to the death there is a lot of sort of thrips...the larger part lay their eggs on calyx or leaves...and others lay direclty in soils...but eggs layed on upper part lives 5/8 days their lifes on leaves before falling into the soil to become a larvaโ€ฆ and if you built a good shield protections on your soil they re going to die ๐Ÿ˜œ totally dude !! ๐Ÿ‘ i Don't talked about pure neem oil wich is a Fucking good bio-weapon...but in my opinion you only have to use it before flowering on foliar and soil (to kill larvas) when flowering time has began do not use itโ€ฆ.real neem oil smell really far from flower odor ๐Ÿ˜– his effect is simple : neem oรฏl get molecule that passes through the chitin of pets (their shell) she induce a perpetual effect... a message to pet wich say i have eaten pets stop feeding...and die ๐Ÿ˜œ but if u plan to use real neem oรฏl there is one rule : you have to dilute it in good proportions with bio black soap in order to increase effect of each other...because oรฏl and water are not soluble without that๐Ÿ˜‰ now we can find some products already dilued but expensive ^^ if i can make here an avertising ^^ feel free to folllow my diary dude ! i build it like an experimental board journal...and i'm going to talk about fungies and symbiosisโ€ฆ.may be it could interest you ๐Ÿ‘Š and feel free to participate hope this help ๐Ÿ™

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Mrs_Larimarweek 6
Its a big Feast for the Ladybugs!!! I ordered larvaes last year against thrips last year... the nice thing is, i discovered a lot of ladybugs this springtime in my garden. Crossing fingers, that they are as hungry as mine... happy growing
GreenHouseLabweek 4
Nice setup, in DWC you should be getting insane buds on this strain ๐Ÿค™ I just popped mine ill try to follow the type of growth your getting as a personal challenge for myself. Keep up the good work
@BigDaddyK, the buds sure look lovely, I hope you get a nice weight overall
@Bigface,yes i think because the eat the leaves, the plant tries to fight back,or the thrips cause the roots to make acid salts and the ph drops. on the plus side apart from looking shitty, it smells good.
@BigDaddyK, causes ph to drop? That was the fastest reply ever btw! I had thrips, although managed to contain the adults, they didn't do much damage, although there were thrip larvae in the water! Thankyou
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growdoctordcweek 6
Youโ€™re a skilled grower, sir. And perhaps an even better photographer. Those pics identify thrips in detail Iโ€™ve never seen before.
@growdoctordc, i only do handheld :)
@BigDaddyK, - a tripod and a self timer app are our best friends! The timer allows you to touch the phone, which moves it slightly. Then 2-3 secs and the shot is taken while the camera is perfectly still. I couldnโ€™t shoot without it
@growdoctordc,holding it steady is the hardest bit ๐Ÿ‘
FavoriteCookieweek 11
Hi I will help you get this problem under control. I am sorry i didnt see this a month ago...... Ok so here you go incase u miss the other answer. Buy new soil and Clean everything out. dont leave old leafes or trim around. Burn it. For the future grows you need yo sterilize everything then use Orius bug (like lady bug helps you but wont harm your Medecin.) Orius insidiosus, also called the minute pirate bug, is an aggressive thrips predator โ€“ possibly the most effective. It attacks and kills all mobile stages of thrips, including adult thrips. Orius is a true bug, which means it has a long rostrum (feeding tube). It uses its rostrum to pierce its prey, and drain the contents, killing the pest. A โ€˜generalistโ€™ predator, Orius feeds on many pest species, such as mites, aphids and moth eggs for food. It will control thrips, and helps in the control of the other pest species.
@BigDaddyK, I am so sorry to hear that. Yeah i had 3 harvest destroyed until i found the Orius insidiosus. Well hope you never have to deal with them again! cheers.
@FavoriteCookie,by the time I found out , it was too late , Iโ€™ll chalk this one up to experience .
Denzulweek 2
Nice work, keep it up! Love seeing auto hydro grows. Trying out my first auto/hydro grow soon. Any advice?
@Denzul,autos eat more so check the ph and EC daily ๐Ÿ‘
Fast_Budsweek 1
Hey there! Best of luck with your Zkittlez Auto! Let us know if you need anything ๐Ÿ’š
MaryJaneUSAweek 6
Will you please check my plants and tell me what is going on with mine? I feel that youโ€™d know right away, thanks man.
@BigDaddyK, okay.. good luck boss, I should probably check for bugs too.. Iโ€™ll follow your journal!
@MaryJaneUSA,indoors and in hydro , so yep scary , Iโ€™m keeping the humidity low ,and I gave it a Hoover
@BigDaddyK, wait thrips?? Donโ€™t you grow indoor?? That scares me..
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biggreens420week 7
bro are u sure your e.c is 1.3 with all them nutes i thought in hydro you use less because it hits the roots more direct when i use 3ml a 3ml b 1ml sumo boost 0.5 calmag and 0.5 silicon e.c comes in above 2.0 are u sure your meter is calibrated correctly because your using more than that with a p.k and katanaroots aswell
@biggreens420, roughly
@BigDaddyK,so 0.8 with water?
@biggreens420,10ml A+B = 0.4 EC roughly
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MaryJaneUSAweek 11
Question.. is it genetics that cause them to change colors or temperature? Yours look amazing btw.
@MaryJaneUSA, the purple is genetics , I think , certain flavours seem to change in the last week s , Iโ€™m not sure whether it really matters to be honest as the same strain can be green or purple , having said that , the thrips ate the shit out of the leaves and caused ph issues , if you were in soil I can see them killing the plant , as you would find it near on impossible to raise the ph . You have to understand the a temperature and humidity controlled environment is the key to success , we forget just how good nature really is !
@MaryJaneUSA, Thrips is my worst nightmare. Yes the last few weeks of flowering you start to flush them, using slightly colder water (not ice cold) and keep the night temp slightly lower and you will see the plant change to its "fall" colors. not every plant change color to purple, some might turn yellow or even stays green or even other colors trough out the last few week's but one thing you see is the fan/guard leaves turning color and plant is getting ready for harvest. Also Magnesium deficiency can turn some plants purple but its not a trait you should look for or keep. Cheers!
@FavoriteCookie, Thanks for the explanation, I hope I never get them.. But the question was for general color change (turning purple for example), how do I make them do that?
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MJS2017week 12
Looks dense! Enjoy!
@BigDaddyK, oh, I believe this is very nice suprise:)
@@MJS2017,came out better than expected ๐Ÿ‘
Homegrown420week 8
I could use some advice. Im new and have a indica dom photo in dwc 4 weeks in flower doing great except lol last night i โœ”๏ธ the ppm and it was wow 1500 in res which im feeding 850 -900. Why?
@Homegrown420,can you just explain a bit more
Thee_HoffGuyyweek 6
Those are some nice roots you got there Keep it up๐Ÿ‘Š Hope you get rid of those thrips they are a pain. I have got rid of them before with that cinnamon spray a couple times hope it helps๐Ÿ‘ Good luck Happy Growing an Plentiful Harvest!!๐Ÿ˜Ž
@Thee_HoffGuyy,thanks ๐Ÿ‘
Denzulweek 4
Appreciate the advice. Thinking of setting up and RO system before my hydro grow to make it easier on myself.
@Denzul,I use RO water in the flush
GrowBeforeHoeweek 12
Congrats to harvest! ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒฌ๏ธ Enjoy it. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Budofprayweek 12
Heyโ€ฆ.a new solution ! available in canada US finished the bad t(h)rips ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ
magicUmbrellaweek 11
Lovely colors!
CRiSPrGrowweek 6
๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ladybugs ๐Ÿž๐Ÿž๐Ÿž๐Ÿž๐Ÿž sentinel ! ๐Ÿ’‚โ€โ™‚๏ธ
MrStrawberrypieweek 12
ciao fratello..voglio farti i complimenti del raccolto abbondande, nonostante i ho lo stesso problema, รจ appena iniziata la fioritura nelle mie automatiche di fastbuds..i tripidi sono nella fase 1, sai come faccio a eliminarli, ucciderli? ho pensato di mettere qualche predatore tipo le coccinelle, oppure vorrei usare l olio di neem ma il problema in due piante รจ gia iniziata la fioritura e non vorrei rovinare i fiori anche se sono ancora molto piccoli..tu puoi darmi qualche consiglio? puoi aiutarmi perfavore?