We decided to flip the lights as the plant has become rather big for our tent. This is as we are expecting a stretch of 2 to 3 times the size of it's current height. We have noticed a slight nitrogen toxicity, some bigger fan leaves are wrinkled and very robust, so we are ditching Power House Part A for the first feeding on Day 2.
Day 2 update: Watered with nutrients.
Day 4 update: Still lacking behind LSD, but growing incredibly dense.
Day 5 update: Watered with nutrients.
Day 7 update: Watered with nutrients.
I'm growing this ATM I'm 4 weeks into flower topped twice and she's gonna be a good yielder I'm in coco in 3 gal under 2 x 600 watt hps good luck mines been a dream to grow pretty much grew itself
@Tgriff420, Just had a look at your diary, looks nice. Your weeks are a bit confusing though ^^
I'm considering mainlining, so I will also be topping quite a bit.