Running a Marshydro COB 300 (100w) and an old MarsHydro 600 (280w?). Dinafem Critical +2.0 auto running alongside which is 5 weeks in.
About 70% Coco, 30% Perlite. Both the coco and perlite were rinsed with an approx 230ppm solution (50ppm tap water, 180ppm GH FloraMicro and Bloom, and 1 ml/l Rhizotonic). Feeding every other day at the moment till 15%-20% runoff. Soon as the next leaves show themselves I'll start feeding every day to runoff.
Currently day 3 since it sprouted from the ground. This one seemed to germinate really quickly showing it's taproot within 30 hours so was half expecting it to take off once it showed it's head but seems to be growing pretty average right now. PH down is Growth Technology and when I prepare my nutrients the reservoir I mix in is only 5 Litres so it takes literally a tiny droplet to adjust the PH. Rhizotonic brings the PH up.
*Amended diaries as put wrong lighting schedule - Had put 18 on instead of 20. Now reads correct 20 hrs.
@Ga4rd2en0er, Hey thanks for dropping by. Yea I've heard people getting mixed results either berry or cheese, this is my first time growing her but I really like those kind of flavours so win/win :)
I grew out a Dinafem Blue Cheese Auto a couple years back and she was an awesome plant. My plant took on more of the berry pheno vs the cheese pheno. She smelled amazing and was a damn fine smoke. Happy Growing, I know you're gonna love her.
@Ga4rd2en0er, Hey thanks for dropping by. Yea I've heard people getting mixed results either berry or cheese, this is my first time growing her but I really like those kind of flavours so win/win :)
Best of luck with our Auto Blue Cheese my friend👍 Thank you so much for growing out our creations on the grow diary platform 👊 We won'tlet you down 👍
Let's see what you can do 🤗
All the best ✌️
into your 4th week.. how man times through that week did you give nutes ? IM currently doing 1ml ,2 times per week in 4 cups of water (ph'd to 6.0) . what do you suggest?