The stretch seems to be just starting, also Tangie'matic #2 is the first to show sex today 😁
I defoliated all of the ladies and saw no adverse effects or any signs of stress as they did the first time.
While I was bending Stardawg #2's main stem under a part of the net it snapped a little bit, about half of the tissue was still connected so I quickly taped it up. A small mistake on my side but it seems she doesn't even notice and is looking great nonetheless.
Only Stardawg #1 seems to be behind just a tiny bit, it hasn't started the stretch yet but I expect it to be a non-issue in a few days.🙏
I foliar feed 5 to 6 times a day with 1 ml of Nirvana and 1.5 ml of Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra added to the spray (1-litre bottle).
10 April: Added a little extra nitrogen to my nutrient solution since the #1's are showing some N-deficiency symptoms, the bottom leaves have some interveinal chlorosis and there is slower growth especially on the Stardawg #1. This is clearly visible in the overview picture.
Except for Stardawg #1, all of the ladies are showing preflowers and I expect a lot of stretching the following days.
Coming along nicely mate be good to see how they responds to the scrog. I’m thinking of using one I’m also growing tangie I’m halfway through week 2 happy growing 🤙
@DustyDuke, Thanks, Duke! It's my first-time scrogging, seems to work great when you don't want to stress your ladies too much or just dislike topping.👌
@Silverback_Guerilla, They have been chopped and are now drying slowly in my dark tent 😁
I will update with total weight and final pictures after I jarred them. First I need to go get me some bigger jars tho.😇
@Wachsemilian, PPM is 950 ish last time I checked. And yes there are a few purple streaks here and there, mostly on the top side of leaf stems. Since my last update, the ladies are a bit less pale.👏