Flip week. Gave them a light defoliation and put the SCROG in, and flipped to a 12/12 light cycle about 6 days into this week. The formula includes White & Deep Red for about 11:45, and then Far Red for 15 minutes prior to dark. When I switched from a Quantum Board setup and could set up a timed formula (from lap top or phone), the lag between flip and true flower/stretch all but disappeared.
Your plants look good. Are you fully organic?
Oh and not sure how your affiliated to KIS bit I LOVE the pod cast!
Good luck with the rest of your grow. I'll be watching!
@Cannabace, I don't think it's fully organic, I am using Poland Spring water for example since the pH seems to be consistent when I check. The only thing I have added to the soil otherwise is Mykos and potentially some tea from a friends vermicompost, so not too far off. I'm curious to see if I notice a taste difference, I have grown the Criticial Kush in coco in the same tent and light so I'll have a very loose comparison btw hydro and soil in my space.
Soon as you turn them into flower RH will go up. You can put a bucket of water and a wet towel in it and put your fan blowing on it, that might help you trough the weeks before turning into flowering.
Edit: Also watering your pots will get that RH up slightly.
@FavoriteCookie, Yup - last year with my spring grow the transition outside timed pretty well with the tent and I was able to use that to offset temp and humidity almost perfectly, but this year has sucked. Just cold and dry straight through, now into flower and it's finally coming around. I'll be putting the dehumidifier inside in no time.
I checked that light out unfortunately it’s discontinued. How did you like the KIS soil? It’s very expensive but it’s that one or coast of Maine plus shipping. Did you add molasses? My garden store person says I should ph the water at 5.5 Because the soil ph is high so that evens it out to 6.5 when it sits in there for a bit I was just wanting a little more insight on this soil ,and he also mentioned adding molasses every other feeding to keep the bacteria happy... please let me know !!