
First Grow - Time To Learn

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
5 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 2
18 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Commented by
GreenCanuck GreenCanuck
6 years ago
There hasn't been much vertical growth (only 1/4 inch), but it is looking healthy and seems to be on track with other Royal Dwarfs I see journaled here. I am using a water/water/feed schedule and bucket lifting now as advised by several of you (thanks!). I have marked on this journal that I am going to LST, but so far I am gonna wait and see how much she stretches when she hits her growth spurt. If it doesn't get very tall I might just do leaf tucking. Though short, she does have the straightest, sturdiest looking stem I have seen. On day 13 I added a bottom reflector cut from a spare strip of material that came with my tent. I figure it doesn't hurt to bounce back as much light as possible even if it is difused at that point, and it might help the lower side branches develop. Here is my thinking for down the road if anyone sees fit to correct me. When I see the first pre-flowers I am going to give her a dose of Canna PK 13/14 and then switch from veg to bloom nutes when she properly begins to flower. Sorry for the differences in colour in the photos...different light sources. Anyway, that is all to report for now. BTW, does anyone else like to sit in front of their tent and just watch the plants like a fishtank?
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Grow Questions
GreenCanuckstarted grow question 6 years ago
Any advice on a possible watering schedule would be highly appreciated. At this time I have difficulty telling the difference between over and under watering symptoms.
Techniques. Defoliation
Thee_HoffGuyyanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hey G.C.! The best trick to not over-under water is to feel the weight of the pot when dry when i say dry the first inch or so of soil dry but not to where the plant is wilting. You can even weigh it if you want. make a mental note or literal of it. Then when you give it its' next watering after you water feel the weight of the pot. Once again take a mental note of what it weighs. Now you know if its on the heavy(watered) side you know not to water, if it is light(dry) you know it is time to water its a simple yet very effective method. Hope this helps! Happy Growing๐Ÿ˜Ž

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GrowBeforeHoeweek 9
Nice grow but I think you could let her ripping some weeks longer. Nevertheless enjoy your buds! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
@GreenCanuck, Pistils too clear may give you headache when smoking!
@GrowBeforeHoe, thanks! ๐Ÿ‘
@GreenCanuck, Growing is always a learning experience, this said good luck for the next one! โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ€
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Mrs_Larimarweek 3
Hello, just looked at your girls and the look alittle pale/ limy. Girls have alack of nitrogen. If you have give them a little calmag( contains nitrogen) and has good benefit. Or up your nitrogen input.( always on wet
@Mrs_Larimar, calmag arrived today, so hopefully will see some improvement there.
Thee_HoffGuyyweek 3
She is starting to take off whooo hoooo๐Ÿ™Œ Keep up the great work! Happy Growing an Plentiful Harvests๐Ÿ™
@Thee_HoffGuyy, she grew another half inch over night ๐Ÿ˜Š, I think the countdown is truly on! ๐Ÿ˜
Mrs_Larimarweek 2
Hi , stubled into your Diary. I wont cover the soil with such a material, soil got to breathe. you only get mold under your coverage. and its to see that you have probs with your watering management. i would put away the " reflector" and only water again , if soil is knuckledeep dry. and yes i know what its like to sit in front and just watch.....
@Mrs_Larimar, yes, I have actually been thinking along the same lines. I remove the reflector when the lights are off, but probably you are right and I should just take it out all together. Thanks for your comment :)
Denzulweek 7
Got some beautiful looking buds on that lady. Great work. Keep doing what your doing and best of luck with the rest of the grow.
@GreenCanuck, in the same part of my grow. Not my strong spot though
@Denzul, Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š I am keeping my eye on the trichomes now and waiting for my personal sweet spot ๐Ÿ‘Œ
Thee_HoffGuyyweek 1
Hey G.C. Love seeing a cannabis plant start its' life journey๐Ÿ‘ Hope that trick can help ya out. Once you do it enough you will get into a habit and do it without realizing it lol It's simple yet effective. Happy Growing๐Ÿ˜Š Good luck on the grow I'll follow along๐Ÿ‘Š
@GreenCanuck, I'm glad it helped๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Š Yeah it can be weird like that i was doing the exact same thing when i started then a buddy showed me that trick and have been doing it since. I don't even realize i do it now it's kinda just a habit lol good luck on the grow! can't wait to see it grow big and beautiful๐Ÿ™Œ
@Thee_HoffGuyy, Thanks, I think the pot-lift is defo the way to go. In fact, I was sure that I was over-watering and now realise I was underwatering!
Puffer_Billweek 7
Looks great ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ I see you are using just the Jungle Juice bloom ( not along with micro and grow ) and Sensi Cal Mag. Perhaps I should try that?
@Puffer_Bill, that is really only due to limited finances. For my next grow I plan to have the full JJ lineup as you mentioned and see how that goes. Thanks for checking my diary and leaving a comment ๐Ÿ˜Š
G4NJAG4NGweek 2
Hey man good luck for your first grow, I grew the royal dwarfs as my first grow, I grew 3 of them in a 60x60cm tent with a 300w Roleadro LED and managed to get 100g +, my highest yielding individual was 50g+. The genetics are great for a first time grower and came out with some nice citrus smelling buds, only thing I can say is be ready for the stretch as these dwarfs can get a little bigger than first thought, about 90cm ๐Ÿ˜‚ Your grow seems to be on the right track! No visible issues, the first grow is both exciting and daunting at the same time as you really don't want to mess anything up but this is the best time to make the mistakes and learn from them, whether your a newbie grower or a veteran we all still make mistakes and it's the learning that matters! Thankfully these girls are really good at bouncing back and can be very forgiving! ๐Ÿ˜Š Expect some crazy growth after week 4 trust me ๐Ÿ‘Œ
@G4NJAG4NG, thanks for your comments friend. I think the stretch is starting now and I feel my excitement building with it ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
CRiSPrGrowweek 1
Hey Green, hope i answered your question check out this video, do this and you'll never overwater again. ๐Ÿ‘Š
@CRiSPrGrow, Thanks for the link, that is defo an excellent method which I will be using now.
BIGBUDZ450week 5
Congrats on newbie of the Month! We all learn from our mistakes. Happy growing!
hcf2012week 9
I think the side stem might be foxtailing, a symptom of the light too close or the room too hot. There's an article about it on growweedeasy.
Tkultranewbweek 5
Sorry to hear bout the cheese I had a royal dwarf that didn't germ so got 3 more on the way n a blue dream and suppose to have 3 northern lights autos all autos so this will be my first time and kinda stressing I don't want to fuck it up lol
Tkultranewbweek 8
So how's it going now is it getting back from the yellow I hope it goes good and u get a huge harvest Buddy
GreasyLuigiweek 1
Just passing by, happy growing!
Thee_HoffGuyyweek 2
Looking great!!! and yes I do it every day I will smoke a vape or bowl and just look at the beauties๐Ÿ˜ต i also talk to them all the time๐Ÿ˜‚ they love it! I even play the music and thank them for what they do๐Ÿ‘
hi mate are the pictures above how the plant looked when you harvested? it looks atleast 3 weeks from being ready ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
@GreenCanuck, we all make mistakes mate and if you learn from them then you are doing well I would get yourself a hand magnifier to check the trichome development on your next grow Try to wait until they are all cloudy with some turning amber coloured ๐Ÿ‘Œ
@DILLIGAF, yes, in hindsight I believe I did harvest too early, but really this was a learning experience, so I am happy for my mistakes. Mistakes lead to improvement ๐Ÿ˜Š
Haisenhempweek 9
A realy cute lady that you have there.
Ronin716week 9
I too am just starting but from what Iโ€™ve heard, saw and read, those pistols tell me you couldโ€™ve let her rock a little longer. No?