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Rieseteros Gardens Grow Number One

6 years ago
Week 1. Vegetation
6 years ago
24 °C
No Smell
50 %
24 °C
Start diary April 2...deciding on... Soil type, timing from inside to outside, peat pot to ground or seeding to 5 gal pail, drain holes in pail for outside? Tons to learn MAY 22 8:30 pm - seeds are soaking in spring water bought from Sobeys; 2 CBD8 Auto Cheese and 2 Lambs Breath. Let the germination process begin!! MAY 23 11:30 am - seeds were floating in the morning but sunk when touched them ; transferred to paper towel on plates ; sitting on water heater in the furnace room ; good airflow and temperature May 24 - I think the temperature is too low around 70... I am putting them on a heating pad and see what happens. May 25 - i put the seeds in my grow cabinet overnight with the already started annuals on the heating pad. Paper towel temp 77 humidity 60% and the small fan moving air. I am hopeful this is ideal. May 26 - Both Lambs Breath and one CBD Auto Cheese sprouted ; cute luttle white root coming out... So beautiful! The grow cabinet seems to be the place but they get close to dry after 3 hours. Staying the course at this point. 6:45 pm - just planted 2 Lambs Breath and 1 CBD Auto Cheese ; pro mix with mycor 1 each in 5 gal fabric pots and 1 Lambs Breath in a 4 " peat to out directly into the ground. Tap was about 1/2"... Hope i didnt jump the gun May 27 - 2nd Auto Cheese sprouting a root. Will likely plabt tomorrow. Thw other 3 are under light 18/6. Temp 81 humid 60 %. May 28 - all 4 are planted 2 in 5 galon 2 in 4": both 5 galons have sprouted still waiting on the little ones.
Week 2. Vegetation
6 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
50 %
26 °C
29 °C
5 L
1 L
45.72 cm
May 29 - 3 are sprouted suspect the 4th tomorrow 250 ml water in each 5 gal and sprayed thr 4" Paranoid to over water May 31 - 500 mls for the big pots and about 75ml for the little I am unsure whether they are the right size at this stage? I wonder if my grow cabinet is too hot..getting towards 88 degrees? I have 2 fans blowing inside but no vents out? Gonna deal with these this week i think!! Temp at 81 humid at 48% ; June 5 kept temp and humid at 84 and 45... Water every 2 or 3 days ... 500 ml.... 1 day with full pot trying to hwt humidity up
1 like
Week 3. Vegetation
6 years ago
5.08 cm
24 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
50 %
22 °C
24 °C
29 °C
19 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 1
Muskie 5-1-1 1.302 mll
June 6 - tested ph and NPK... Ph seems ok... Used test kit with colour charts... No N No P Normal K..... I also used at cheap ph / moisture meter with no real answer June 8 impatience? First feeding 11 days after aprouting. 500 ml per 5 gal pot : 125 ml for the 4 inch pot June 10 - 5 Gallon Auto Cheese looking good 5 gallon Lambs Breath turned a bit yellow... Suspect stetilizing promix killed the mycor... Getting mycor supplement Wed. June 11...4 inch CBD not really doing anything so i put it in the garden... Cut bottom out of the peat pot and slits down the sides... Got it covered with pop bottle vented. Started another LB...
Week 4. Vegetation
6 years ago
17.78 cm
24 hrs
29 °C
50 %
22 °C
24 °C
29 °C
19 L
1 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 1
Muskie 5-1-1 1.302 mll
June 12...4 " Auto Cheese survived the night and looks good... Night temp 55 soil temp same at 7 am Garden spot prepped for LB seed.... Put Promix into garden... About 5 gal June 14... CBD 1... second feeding 1/4 strength 750 ml ; LB 1... Added mycor amendment 750 ml ; CBD 2 first feeding 1/4 strength 250 ml ; LB 2 not sprouted yet June 17 - LB in garden didn't sprout.. I rushed the germinated seed... Planted too small. 1 litre water for CBD 1... 1 litre 5-1-1 quarter strength LB 1 June 18 - 750 ml water for CBD 2 in garden Moved CBD 1 to 12 " from light based on light meter readings... Leaf temp 77° f Both 5 galons in the sun room with indirect sunlight for about 6 hours... Cheese seemed to love it... LB started light whiteness in larger leaves... Gonna continue to get them transitioned outside...
Week 5. Vegetation
6 years ago
35.56 cm
14 hrs
29 °C
40 %
22 °C
28 °C
16 °C
19 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Muskie 5-1-1 1.302 mll
June 19 - day 2 of outdoor activity...they mostly sat in the sun room but got muted sunshine for an hour 5 to 6...staying in the sun room over night to get climatized to cool nights June 20.... Plants are fine after spending the night in the sun room 1 litre each just water Raining today so outdoor Cheese getting nature's water Partial cloud to overcast day.... Sat in sunroom all day Measured... CBD 9" LB 7" June 21 - so the Lambs Breath seed i put outside last week sprouted!!!! All due to my wife's positive vibes!!! The 5 gallons were outside 4 hours this am... Fairly strong wind... They are a bit twisted but still healthy looking. 4" CBD is starting to grow too. 7 pm.... Checked the black fabric pot Temps 96 outside top 87 outside middle 85 outside bottom Inside 1 cm from side 75 10 cm deep 78 Not conclusive gotta check in power heat of the day Outside 5:30 to 8 pm full sun decent breeze Inside sun room again tonight June 22 - they spent the whole day and night outside....added tomato baskets and chicken wire the keep them from blowing around so much... Gonna replace chicken wire with plastic deer fencing... Less abrasive and van be cut with scissors if the plants grow through... I made plastic pail sleeves to bury in garden so pots sit in at ground level June 23 - 1/4 strength Muskie for 5 gallon and 4 inch... I am gonna leave LB 2 Sprout to nature for now... I think i will be boosting the strength at next feeding... 2 main stem leaves broke off of LB 1 in the centre June 25 - 1/2 inch of rain last night... Fabric pots drained fine... CBD 2 growing well CBD 1- 14" CBD 2- 6" LB 1-10" LB 2- 1 set of leaves
Week 6. Vegetation
6 years ago
53.34 cm
14 hrs
29 °C
40 %
22 °C
28 °C
16 °C
19 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Pro Organic Bloom - Terra Aquatica
Pro Organic Bloom 2.604 mll
June 27 - been away from home for a couple days... Going back today....looking into organic flower stage nutrients... Likley do Muskie 1/2 strength today?!??!? CBD 1 - 16" CBD 2 - 7" LB 1 - 13" LB 2 - 2 sets of leaves One leaf on LB1 chewed about 3/8" hole... Put diatomaceous earth around all 4 plants Watered the 3 bigger plants with 1/2 strenghth Muskie Starting to see bud sites ( if that's what they are actually called) on the 5 galon plants The 5 galons seem to go through 1.5 litres of water every 2 days... The direct buried CBD get more moisture deeper because of the soil so less wateting. June 29 - 1.5 litres of water 5 gals... 500 ml for 4"...nothing for the baby LB. July 2 - nutrient day CBD1 CBD 2 and LB1 - 1.5 litre biothrive bloom 1/2 strength each Baby LB got 1/2 strength muskie All 3 are entering bloom stage... CBD 1 for sure.... LB1 for pretty sure... CBD 2 close to pretty sure. Heights - CBD 1 - 21" LB1 - 18" CBD 2 - 13" Baby LB - 3 sets of leaves
1 comment
Grow Questions
Sky_High_Stevestarted grow question 6 years ago
What is good organic nutrients for flower stage? I am new and looking for straight forward product.
Other. Bugs
Stickanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hi @Sky_High_Steve! BioBizz and GreenBuzzLiquids are both very good organic fertilizers. Easy to use, reliable, fully organic, and not expensive at all. Hope this will help, keep us updated and happy organic growing! 👊
Week 7. Flowering
6 years ago
60.96 cm
14 hrs
32 °C
40 %
22 °C
28 °C
24 °C
19 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Biothrive 2.604 mll
July 2 - fed as stated in last weeks entry July 3.... Outta town to Friday.... My helper may need to jump in to water one day July 4 - still away.... Gonna see the girls tomorrow... I suspect they will be thirsty... All reports from home indicate steady growth July 5 - there is something chewing Little LB leaves... Did diatomaceous earth plus coffee grinds as a deterrent on the ground... There is also 1 leaf chewed on CBD1.. DE on all the plants LB 1 is taking off it seems...fatter top stalk than CBD 1...wonder if it will grow wider.. Seems to really like the heat.. 41c with humidity today...they were all dry when I got home noon... 2l each July 6 - 2.25" of rain last night.... No issues all drained well. Today I am a bit worried a out LB1 yellow tips on 3 leaves and yellow looking new growth... PH problem (tested at 7 today) or natural to species?? Monitoring for now July 7 - They're growing fine!!! Got Neem oil coming though and a sprayer. I like wbat ive read abkut Neem oil... Sounds like it is just what I need. So in the last 24 hours i have partially snapped a branch on 2 plants. LB1 repaired itself in a day hoping CBD 2 does as well. Overzealous LST! July 9 - water with BioThrive Bloom 2 tps / gal.... Sprayed all with neem oil...
1 comment
Week 8. Flowering
6 years ago
60.96 cm
14 hrs
29 °C
40 %
22 °C
28 °C
18 °C
19 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Biothrive 2.604 mll
July 10 - Neem oil watered into roots of all 4 plants.... July 11 - Gonna investigate using vinegar water mix to lower ph.... 1 tbs per gallon... Plan is to pour into garden not on plants and measure ph. July 12 - all watered with biothrive and neem oil July 14 - 1.5 l water for each..... Watered a blank spot in the garden with vinegar water 1tsp per litre.... Ph dropped to 6 or slightly below... But that's in composted soil... Tap watered soil ph was about 6.8....promix soil is 7 or above slightly using tap water that's sat for 2 days LB1 26" CBD1 24" CBD2 22" Lots o buds!!!! July 16 - biothrive day... Same dosage
Week 9. Flowering
6 years ago
60.96 cm
14 hrs
29 °C
40 %
22 °C
28 °C
18 °C
19 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Biothrive 2.604 mll
July 17 - hot humid weather bht yhey seem to love it. Neem oil seems to have cured the bug bites!! Got some rain today. July 19 - water today if they're dry... Ordered my Carson Microbrite Plus 60x - 120x LED Lighted Pocket Microscope today July 20 - Neem oil spray on all July 23 - feeding day biothrive 2 tsp per gallon CBD2 leaves on Bud curling and drying a bit...problem ?
Grow Questions
Sky_High_Stevestarted grow question 6 years ago
CBD2 is a CBD auto cheese growing in 2/3 compost 1/3 triple mix garden soil. Leaves around the buds are starting to curl in the past week. Been some rain so staying damp. Had 1/2 strength biothrive but only once per week. CBD1 in fabric pot same age but not curling.Help please?
Leaves. Curl up
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hi there Steve, unfortunately that leaf curl isn't normal, it's likely a combination of heat stress and root problems. Basically the heat and the extra humidity created the perfect conditions for watermold which is affectikg your roots. It's pretty easy to solve by making sure the soil dries out completely before you water again and you can speed up recovery by adding a chelation agent to your feed for example beneficial bacteria like bacilus subtilis and trichoderma or enzymes or humic acid or amino acids, or synthetics like a diluted "flushing agent" these will break down the problem roots as well as fight the infection. Good luck crossing the finish line! Hope this helps ! 🚀
Week 10. Flowering
6 years ago
66.04 cm
14 hrs
29 °C
60 %
22 °C
28 °C
18 °C
19 L
1 L
Nutrients 3
Muskie 5 - 1 - 1 1.302 mll
BioThrive Bloom 2.604 mll
Uptake - Cyco Platinum Series
Uptake 1.302 mll
July 25 - CBD2 leaf curl issue... Gonna let it dry out the use Cyco Uptake for help with chelation Did some LST tie downs today... Trying to let the sun shine in!!! July 26 - straight water for the 5 Gallon pots... None for the other 2 still high moisture in the ground July 27 - CBD1 leaves turning yellow... Checked for bud rot can't see any... Lack of nitrogen or ph problem?? July 28 - CBD1 stalk looking a little yellow too... Watered with ph 6.2 water and Cyco Uptake 1ml/litre July 29 - tricomes are clear and plentiful...little bit of rain over night...shook moisture off in the am. July 30 - trying to battle nitrogen deficiency in CBD1 and LB1 : 6.2 ph water Bio, Muskie and Uptake
Week 11. Flowering
6 years ago
66.04 cm
14 hrs
29 °C
60 %
22 °C
28 °C
18 °C
19 L
1 L
Nutrients 3
BioThrive Bloom 2.604 mll
Muskie 1.302 mll
Uptake - Cyco Platinum Series
Uptake 1.302 mll
Aug 1 - neem spray on all Aug 6....some leaf yellowing on CBD1.... LB1 has leaves turning reddish....CBD2 still leaf curl... It's planted direct into the garden so hard to dry it out
Week 12. Flowering
6 years ago
66.04 cm
14 hrs
29 °C
60 %
22 °C
28 °C
18 °C
19 L
1 L
Nutrients 2
BioThrive Bloom 2-4-4 2.604 mll
Uptake - Cyco Platinum Series
Uptake 1.302 mll
Aug 7... Flushed LB1 and CBD1with ph 6.2 water...runoff water was 6.4 ph Tricomes are still clear with a hint of milky color CBD2... ground is still wet 3" below so notta for it Aug 12 - last feeding 6.0 ph water BioThrive 2 tsp/gal Uptake 1ml/l All mixed was 4 gallons... Watered all my 4 plants roughly the same
Week 13. Flowering
6 years ago
66.04 cm
14 hrs
29 °C
60 %
22 °C
28 °C
18 °C
19 L
1 L
Done with nutrients LB1 tricomes clearish CBD1 tricomes clearish CBD2 tricomes slightly milky August 17 - 81 days from sprout.... let the harvest begin... I took the main colas of all 3 today... They are hanging in a closed cabinet in the garage with 2 fans blowing on them... Humidity 60 temp 24...did a major flush on LB1 and CBD1with 8 litres of water each... 8.0 ph going in and 6.2 ph runoff so the soil was good ph. Maybe flush again tomorrow then harvest the remainder Tuesday!
Week 13. Harvest
6 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
So this diary is actually about Crop King Lamb's Breath... That choice was not available here. My first grow so I had no idea what to expect.
Show more
Spent 92 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
189.94 g
Bud wet weight per plant
Positive effects
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
I cut and hung the main colas of LB1 CBD1 and CBD2 on Sat Aug 17.... Aug 20 I cut the rest of LB1.Aug 21 I cut the rest of CBD1 and CBD2. They are in an old dresser that I converted a little... I have 2 fans blowing inside it... RH 60 per cent... Temp 25 C.... Gonna put cold packs inside through the day to try to lower the temp and humidity absorbing packs the lower that...was gonna hang them in the shed but it's too dang hot and humid here yet. So my make shift dry cabinet is in the garage. Wet weights: LB1 - 190 g plus 30 g sugar CBD1 - 160. 3g plus 71 g sugar CBD2 - 194.5 plus 97 g sugar. Aug 21- main cola twigs snapped so I jarred them: Final Harvest Tally 11.5 g dry LB from 60 g wet 36g total bud 9.6 g dry CBD1 from 53 g wet 37g total bud 10 g dry CBD2 from 53.6 wet 44g total bud Aug 22 - cabinet at 53 RH and 22 ° Put in a humidity absorber on 21st. Temps and humidity here are finally dropping... Yay.
1 comment
Equipment Reviews
Grow Questions
Sky_High_Stevestarted grow question 6 years ago
All three of my plants produced seeds. So far I have found 18. Can anyone tell me if that's gonna affect the quality of the smoke? Can I expect the seeds to be the same as the plants they came from... feminized auto flowers?
Techniques. Defoliation
Wicked_Stixanswered grow question 6 years ago
The smoke wont be quite as potent as it could have been because some energy went into producing seeds rather than buds but I doubt it will even be a noticable difference with only 18 seeds. Looks like you had different strains so they may have cross bred with each other. One plant may have pollinated the others. No way to be sure on that but yes they will be femenized autoflowers. Just possibly crossed strains. But this also means that since at least one went hermie then there is a chance the seeds will go hermie also. So if you run those seeds just keep an eye out for pollen sacs appearing through the grow. I would definitely grow them to see what you come up with!


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Sky_High_Stevecommentedweek 96 years ago
Hello Bossa!!! Will Cyco Uptake help? It says it provides natural chelation and uptake of minerals. Cheers!!! Thanks for your help!!
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@Sky_High_Steve, link me bro I'm on cell ATM so u can't search real well
SAC87commentedweek 136 years ago
Congratulations on the first harvest. You’ll only learn more as you continue to grow. Happy Growing 🌱
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 96 years ago
Hey there hope I answered your question anything else you need just let me know 👊🏻
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 76 years ago
I use 1 ml/liter of organic molasses for flowering. It has potassium, calcium, and magnesium for buds. And it does not have nitrogen to burn leaves.
SAC87commentedweek 16 years ago
I’m finding this super weird. I started the same 2 strains, from the same breeder almost on the same day. I am interested to grow along side you and see how yours is doing. 3 of my 4 broke ground today. Good luck 👍🏻
Sky_High_Stevecommented6 years ago
@SAC87,Hello. How's the grow going?
SAC87commented6 years ago
@Sky_High_Steve, that’s my rough plan as well. I had all 4 break ground, one cheese a day later than others. Had to mist one cheese and one LB as the seed husk was holding the cotyledons closed. All are free now. Tiny first true leaves are showing. I think this is gonna be cool. Hope the weather treats us well!!
Sky_High_Stevecommented6 years ago
@SAC87,hello. I am in for keeping touch on the grows!!! My plan is to get mine vegging for about 2-3 weeks inside then move them outside to flower. I had all 4 break ground... My LB in the 4" is not looking well though. How are yours doing?
Sky_High_Stevecommentedweek 26 years ago
I see you are using the fabric of pots.... Will they drain excess watet?
SAC87commented6 years ago
@Sky_High_Steve, head over and check them out. One of my LB was messed up so I moved it outside to see what happens, Planted another one. The 2 cheese and one Lambs Breath are going well. I am wondering how to start transitioning to outdoor. I have some preflowers on the cheese.
Sky_High_Stevecommented6 years ago
@SAC87,Hey. Hows the gtow going? I am s starting to transition mi e for outdoors.
SAC87commented6 years ago
@Sky_High_Steve, I have never used them before, but what I hear, it’s very hard to overwater (coco more than soil) and air prunes the roots rather than them coiling around the bottom of the pot allowing for more surface area to absorb water and nutrients.
Organic_Growercommentedweek 106 years ago
Hey Steve, Just came across this post. The fertilizer I use and stand by is called Growilla. They have one for veg and one for bloom. It comes in a powder form and is super easy to use and it is organic. Out of curiosity is there a reason you are burying the cloth pots in the ground? When using the cloth pots I just leave them above the ground. This should also alleviate too much moisture in the root system. Let it breath. 😀
Sky_High_Stevecommented6 years ago
Heo Mr/Ms OGrower. Thanks for the info on what you are feeding with. I ended up getting BioThrive Bloom from the local Hydro Shop. As for my pots....they are actually not in contact with any earth... I fabricated 5 gallon plastic pails and dug them into our raised bed garden acting as a sleeve... There is about 6 inches of air gap below and 2 inches all around them. The pots breathe and drain but stay cooler as well. There is no risk of the wind blowing them over. And I like the look in my garden!! 👌😏
GeorgeSmileycommentedweek 16 years ago
Hey Steve, I'm growing the same strain, just about two weeks in. Goodluck! Let's keep in touch on these.
Sky_High_Stevecommented6 years ago
Hello George. I am starting my seeds germinating process today... 2 Auto Cheese and 2 Lambs Breath. How did your grow go?
GeorgeSmileycommentedweek 106 years ago
Looking great!
Stickcommentedweek 66 years ago
Hi @Sky_High_Steve! BioBizz and GreenBuzzLiquids are both very good organic fertilizers. Easy to use, reliable, fully organic, and not expensive at all. Hope this will help, keep us updated and happy organic growing! 👊
Sky_High_Stevecommentedweek 26 years ago
the end.
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