@ChefDan420, Yeah, 52W! Check week #1 for more info about the setup, and about the light itself. It's quite rare to find people using 200W (or less) on this website. I like this challenge :)
@w33dl3, thank you! i'm trying to improve and optimize space. I used to grow autos, but this time it's not. I wanted to top my plants many times until all the floor space was used... so, using autos was impossible.
You managed to get 63g from only 52watts of power used, I would call that a successful harvest my friend 👍
I know many growers who try for years to archive that magic gram/watt and you smashed it 👊
Congratulations on the harvest of our Critical+2.0 mate, nice to see a few jars filled and some canna butter made 👌
Enjoy 👍
All the best ✌️
@DinafemSeeds, Hi Mark ! I'm happy with that gram/watt ratio, it's amazing. First time i'm growing a photo, and it was a success. Topping, training, time and good genetics are the key!
Thanks 👍
Looking good 👏🏻 Pretty fukn nice for 52W👍🏼 I personally don’t like autos but I have seen really nice ones.
Having said that I’ll elaborate 🗯️
1. I simply can’t afford 💰Not financially well off so the electric ⚡️ is expensive 🙁
2.Have not gotten good yields with the few that I have done 🙁
3. Limited or no manipulation allowed 🙁 I like the challenge of training for ⚖️strong yields
4. The heat of having the 💡💡💡lights on☄️Is too much. I have my little setup in a detached building that has 🚫no AC. I live in a warm climate anyway
5 weeks into bloom with our Critical+2.0 and those buds are filling out a treat 👌
I'm all caught up now and will continue to drop in as you update 👍
Keep up the great work and thank you for choosing our genetics for this adventure on the grow diary platform 👊
All the best ✌️
@DinafemSeeds, I've heard that 0 nuts water makes the plant(leaves) store their nutrients, and that make a harsh smoke, the solution is to give 10% nutrients, so it will feel in need to use the nutrients from leaves, is that true? Maybe use 10% in the first days, then change to 0.
Btw, that might be only applied to Hydro.