
Dwc run #1

7 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 9
12 hrs
Light Schedule
7+ conditions after
Cal mag
6 ml/l
1 ml/l
1 ml/l
3+ nutrients after
Commented by
Kirby08 Kirby08
7 years ago
Here we are in week 9 now and today is officially day 7 of flower, I switched to flower on 8/2/17 3 days after I did my last res change with my veg nutes, I've heard that they like that during their first week of stretch (If anyone has knowledge of this or any tips please share ). As far as everything else goes the girls have really been stretching,they seem pretty healthy I would say atleast 4-6" of growth in the past 7 days, because of that I went ahead and raised the light all the way up, That's about it for this weeks update if any one has any tips or advice I would love to hear it. I hope everyone has a great week My nutrient schedule on 8/8/17 was. Ml is per 4 gallons using tap water at 150ppm White widow 22 ml A&B 27 ml Cal Mag 4 ml FL+ 27 ml Nectar 3 ml silica Ppm 1040 8/9/17 ppm was 1000 Chronic 25 ml A&B 30 ml Cal Mag 28 ml nectar 4 ml FL+ 3 ml silica Ppm 1140 8/9/17 ppm was 1004 Borderliner 30 ml A&B 27 ml Cal Mag 4 ml FL+ 28 ml nectar 3 ml silica Ppm was 1230 8/9/17 ppm was 1170
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Kirby08week 4
The chronic and borderliner notes on the pictures are switched and I'm not sure how to go back and edit the picture. Sorry about that, I'm still trying to learn and figure everything out. Any advice or tips are greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
BigDaddyKweek 11
One question if the canopy is tied to the netting , how will you flush ? Or change water 💦
@BigDaddyK, right now the plants are about 9" to 10"away from the bottom of the hood. Wayyy closer than I like I can already see the side effects. All the buckets are already tapped so I'd only have to raise them up unfortunately that's not a option this round. Next time I won't veg as long and maybe then I can have some options.
@Kirby08,you could add a tap to buckets and raise a little on concrete blocks or wood , then gravity would empty - just a thought 👍
@BigDaddyK, i admit dwc in the Scrog isn't the easiest thing to do especially since I change the water every 7 days but after a lot trial and error and more spilled water and nutes than I care to admit I feel that I finally came up with a descent sytem. To remove the water in the bucket I use a shop vac with a screened tip. To add my new res water I pre mix the nutes in another 5 gallon bucket then pump the water into the bucket using a bilge pump. It isn't the easiest system but it works for now. On my next run I'll probably build a mini Scrog that is on the bucket itself or something so I can remove the plants if I need to and they are not locked in.
BrokenArrowweek 1
I really liked this diary. I thought you did amazing work here. I'm looking forward to seeing the harvest 👻
@BrokenArrow, thank you for the kind words, I hope not to disappoint. Should be switching to flower Wednesday or Thursday !
BigDaddyKweek 11
Excellent so far 👍
BreakingBudweek 7
thanks for the info man. what do you think of the nutes your using?
@Kirby08, ok I appreciate your honesty! I had a few oh problems in Dwc also. I found my plants always flowered later in Dec for some reason.
@BreakingBud, honestly I'm probably not the best person to ask. I don't really have much experience with other nutes to compare from but I will say it's a pretty simple system. I wouldn't buy it for the perfect PH however. In my dwc system it tends to rise for the first two days and It usually takes adding PH down once each of those days before it will stabilize. The only problem I've ever had when when I first got it and I went off the manufacturer recommend strength. Other than that I just do roughly quarter strength of the recommendation then I add cal mag , silica ,nectar and great white to the mix and I haven't really had a problem since.
Wilmaponicsweek 14
That's not cal deficiency. More likely mag. Cal is a inmobile nute, so will only effect the new growth where it needs it. Mag is mobile so the plant will take from the shade leaves from the middle of the plant and use to keep the new growth growing.Cal I'd expect to see the tips of the buds yellowing
Wilmaponicsweek 14
I used advanced nutes for a couple of grow in my Wilma used as a DWC. Nothing but problems. The pH was uncontrollable, raised all the time. Sometimes I'd had shit load of pH down to correct the tank which will do nothink. Then 3/4 days later will would drop 2.0 over night. All there claims on pH perfect are rubbish.
Tryhardweek 13
love your forest dude very intresting that much so I'm goner follow