Hey there so if it were wind i think you might see a bit more twisting, if the plants just swaying, rather than being thrashed around fairly hard, i don't think wind. As for lights, with LEDs i think most plants will be more than safe at 24 inches, if your getting to like 12-15 that's getting a bit close..but if you started seeing bleached/burn spots it could be possible. My thoughts are leaning more towards possibly the soil not drying fast enough, or possibly some root troubles...weather from muddy soil or something else.
Perhaps up some airflow at the bottom of the grow space not only to bring up the cool air that's down low but also maybe it'll help keep the roots happy . Some of my fabric pots have a habit of retaining too much moisture on the bottom, so even though the top half dries out the bottom rarely got air until i stuck a few rods underneath and upped the air below.
Your plant doesn't look bad yet, so probably just keep a close eye and as it gets bigger and develops a bigger root zone it'll drink up the water more efficiently. ✌️ happy growing