Ok got clones from a friend of a friend two laughing budda barney’s Farm seeds they were started from seed also purchased LSD feminized seeds from barney’s Farms clones were rooted well but weak needed some love to get green seeds all sprouted and doing well . Laughing budda look weak but will green them up . Been ten years since I’ve grown but lucky charms back at it spent about $3000 on new grow room and clones and seeds
Ok I have a grow ? Finally automatic soilless Systems any opinions on which is the best lowest maintenance if possible sorry in wrong category but no other one fit
Sure I could see plugging the fan in to make sure there wasn't user error, but shit it's a fan. Wait for repair? Not on a brand new fan where there is another in that box over there thank you.
My final flush before chop is Florakleen, from what I hear it's mostly sugar and a chelation agent (what it really is is listed as a trade secret to remove salts from your medium). I tried more molasses during the last flush, MISTAKE.
I only flush for 3-5 days before harvest, first 2-4 days is with florakleen, last day is only Ph'ed RO.
Looking good, strong and healthy. 💪🏽😎👊🏼
Geez.... electrician to fix a brand new shop bought fan!!
Love your budget grow. Mine is also a budget. Mine is a grow shack
Question if i may... what is the Schweppes bottle for? Is it size indicator.... or a trade growing secret?
I didn't find the video you mentioned?
Great the seed bank following you. 👍🏼👍🏼
Great effort with this post. I really enjoy seeing improvised and homemade grow tents. I’ve got a DIY setup and am proud of the resourcefulness, although not nearly as professional as you. Well done all around, and with the pricing. Good job VIPgrower, I’ll check the rest of the grow out too.
Puffer bill the bottle is nothing more the tnb co2 there bottle is $35 which I got sucked into buying which is a two little bottle fancy cap with tiny hole drilled in it I used green bottle thinking darker is better for the fermenting yeast I had to post another week with the vids sorry hard time uploading have a look I am only starting week 7 really on this coming Tuesday