Just added vid of completed room with fans and the beautiful girls I see Barney’s farms is now following me I love there seeds so far just ordered some more 3 new strains yay can’t wait from Montreal seed bank becasue can’t order from Barney’s farms cause I live in Canada boo but at least can still get them .
Also forgot to mention the amount of and effort goes into a good grow room even a budget one like mine but for 9x6x 7 it’s pretty sweet and be proud when I harvest the beauty’s
Had a bad experience at the hydro store today bought hat new intake fan got it home hooked it up didn’t work when took it back they said they had to try it I said ok so helped the guy hook it up and nope nothing like I said .then they said they had to wait for a jm electrician hahahahahahahahahaha I said ok I just want a new fan that works after a lot of me getting aggressive which I don’t like to do they finally said ok after all the money I spent there and the one thing like costumer service my ass !!! Anyways they lost a customer
today!! However fan is in and runs great all good just venting to no one haha
So plants look great have a peek at new vid anyone with ?s or anything comments or suggestions please feel free
Water laughing budda today ec 1.6 /795ppm
Sprayed big juice just in case vacuumed room accidentally sucked some leaves up in vac oops well they are clean now hahahaha lsd almost ready for watering will give same as laughing budda see how they like if used hydro sparkle this time cal mag b-52 and reg Dutch nutrients feed sorry about they added weeks but more info is good is it not
I use tap city water around here let set out over night or couple days and ppm is only 180 to 190 not that bad I think and aerate when add h2o2 let stand at least half hour so no root burn occurs still doing feed water and cal mag/ h2o2 only in the water in the water only cycle definitely next grow looking at flood tables or areoponics or eb and flow constant drip maybe any suggestions ? Two weeks till flower after this Tuesday I think it’s time
Ok I have a grow ? Finally automatic soilless Systems any opinions on which is the best lowest maintenance if possible sorry in wrong category but no other one fit
Sure I could see plugging the fan in to make sure there wasn't user error, but shit it's a fan. Wait for repair? Not on a brand new fan where there is another in that box over there thank you.
My final flush before chop is Florakleen, from what I hear it's mostly sugar and a chelation agent (what it really is is listed as a trade secret to remove salts from your medium). I tried more molasses during the last flush, MISTAKE.
I only flush for 3-5 days before harvest, first 2-4 days is with florakleen, last day is only Ph'ed RO.
Looking good, strong and healthy. 💪🏽😎👊🏼
Geez.... electrician to fix a brand new shop bought fan!!
Love your budget grow. Mine is also a budget. Mine is a grow shack
Question if i may... what is the Schweppes bottle for? Is it size indicator.... or a trade growing secret?
I didn't find the video you mentioned?
Great the seed bank following you. 👍🏼👍🏼
Great effort with this post. I really enjoy seeing improvised and homemade grow tents. I’ve got a DIY setup and am proud of the resourcefulness, although not nearly as professional as you. Well done all around, and with the pricing. Good job VIPgrower, I’ll check the rest of the grow out too.
Puffer bill the bottle is nothing more the tnb co2 there bottle is $35 which I got sucked into buying which is a two little bottle fancy cap with tiny hole drilled in it I used green bottle thinking darker is better for the fermenting yeast I had to post another week with the vids sorry hard time uploading have a look I am only starting week 7 really on this coming Tuesday