Veg has been slow for me. It could be due to me topping and attempting FIM train. It could be due to starting with not the best soil and then getting used to the watering schedule and how not to over/under water. It's been a while but it's always better after your first time in anything you do, right? :P
@Puffer_Bill, Yeah, I checked again today and I am seeing some roots forming. I am going to wait it out and see if I can get a little flower off of her. 😀
These white spots I am referring to appear to be little root nodules forming on the cutting I took. It's a good sign! I thought you noticed white spots on the leaves which is most likely from water/dust/minerals.
That makes sense, why not just push over instead of hard work.... tying back, super cropping, you name it. 😉. But.... no, what you said about tying it down, makes perfect sense and logic. 👍🏼
Bill, thanks! My thought process was, 'wait, i'm tying these plants down to achieve a lateral stem but I can eliminate the tying down aspect if I don't upright her.'
Thanks Bill, the white spots/film just appeared out of the blue. It's almost like a slug was in there and left that film. I did some research, could be from minerals in water, could be from misting and then dust landing on plant. Google wants me to think it is powdery mildew but I know that is not it. I've seen that first hand outdoors and it's not powder.