@@@@Lucimago, thanks so much!
Those strips are from SolStrip - they’re SolStix x3. They have 2700 kelvin and 5600kelvin Samsung diodes (3700k average) — they’re supposed to run at up to 72 watts each but I have numerous drivers they gave me and they won’t run higher than 30-50 watts for some reason(each) - the company/dude wasn’t easy to work with and I don’t recommend them. Although I wish I could get them to work better because they are quite cool in concept. I wish instead I just had more or bigger lights from horticulture lighting group. My RapidLED far red flower initiator supposedly arrived today so I’ll be adding that today too! I wish I had a par meter (too pricey) - maybe I’ll get a lumen meter at least and see if my idea that putting those strips on the sides of the quantum boards should even out the par levels out to the edges of the canopy
Thanks again!