DAY 50-56
This lady is growing well and she looks healthy and beautiful (at least to me 😄)
I tried to use every possible space oh her spot on my small balcony to help her and I can say that I like the shape she's got.
Before to leave to my holiday I was worried af because of the delicate stage of her; the buds are fattening up, they need their nutrients and I'm not gonna take care of her for many days, so I decided to prepare the solution water/nuts in advance, even though I read that I shouldn't do it, hoping that the caretaker will use it wisely :)
She's never shown any sign of intollerance to these nuts, so I increased Bloom and CalMag and started to give some PK 13-14.
I would like to know from you guys which other nutrients are you giving to your plants at this level of flowering; I read some adds sugars to enhance taste and smell.
Thanks a lot for reading and to anyone who will comment 🙏
Happy growing!!
@Fredsai that my friend is a grasshopper and they shouldn't pose too much of a problem
I like to use diatomaceus earth to deter insects from chewing on my plants Best of luck hope I solved the question 😀
@CoastGrower,Thanks for the advices buddy, I've just checked and secure all the branches 'cause it looks another storm is coming.
Have a nice one and enjoy your growing ;)
@Fredsai, your 11L pot is jist a little to small but it will work.
If you transplant an autoflower you’re stressing the plant to much and growth will stop for a couple days to up to a week. If you would have 5L pots I would transplant but now it will do more bad than good.
You are already stressing your plant with the broken stem, ALWAYS take some ducktape and try to fix it weedplants are the best self healers.. and never use sharp or thin things to bend her down😉
Only rain here.. normally it will get a bit better on friday.
My NL drinks 2.5 L every other day, big plants are thirsty :)
Good luck!
@CoastGrower, you called it man 😁 it's still growing bigger every day!! Actually I just noticed that the need of water increased drastically in the last couple of days and I had some thoughts about transplanting, I think she would fit much better in a bigger container, even though I'm afraid that it could have more Cons than Pros (I have an 11L plastic flower pot), what do u think?
@Fredsai, it’s getting warmer here so I can’t complain. Both are flowering nice. My Md doubled in size in 7 days :).
A little rain never killed no one.
@CoastGrower, we are still waiting for it!! 😂 I feel it's like an urban legend, oeple keep coming saying that "a storm is coming" but at the end nothing except for some light rain has showned in the last while! Hope the weather is kind with your plants ✊
@Cannibalgardens, Thanks man :) I hope I will manage to trim it, dry it and cure it decently to keep the aroma, it will be my first time so I'll try not to ruin anything :) Good luck with your grows 🙏
Our Cheese XXL auto well into bloom now and clearly loving the outdoor life 👌
Keep the updates coming my friend as harvest is getting closer 👊
All the best ✌️
@DinafemSeeds, Thank you mate, I'm so looking forward to taste it, it's the very first time I'm taking care of a plant (and an autoflowering) on my own, so I feel it really like a personal challenge :)
I'm writing right now, please have a look at the next two updates, I would greatly appreciate if you could advise on the current state of these buds 🙏
Have a great one and cheers!!
@DILLIGAF, thank you so much man, I looked for it on google and you're right, it looks definitely like a grasshopper/cricket :) Especially thanks for the tip on diatomaceous earth (I was like: 😮 diawhat?), I will study a little how to use it and certainly I'll try it!!
Is it recommended for growing only or it could be used also at some point in flowering?
Cheers and enjoying your growing 🙏