Philindicuscommentedweek 16 years ago
@pillowz,It looks like Fastbuds has some great genetics. I moistened my potting mix lightly before putting it into my pots. I also temporarily wrapped my air pots with plastic wrap. First watering was small about 10 ml at day 9. Since the seed starter mix holds a lot of moisture I didn't water it directly to the base of the plant. I watered in a circular pattern at the edge where the starter mix meets the soil which is about 3 inches away. Capillary action pulled moisture into the starting mix. Using the plastic cups helps keep the moisture and humidity consistent when their young. On my last grow I used a heaping cup of seed starting mix which is too much and holds too much water slowing down seedling growth. On this grow I only used 1/2 cup of starter mix then added only enough water to hold it's shape when squeezed in my hand. When I planted the seed I just barely sprinkled some starter over it and added a half dozen drops of water to it then covered them with the plastic cups. Week 2 I repeated this but watered mostly the area between 3 to 8 inches away using about 40 ml. I also used just enough water to wet the top couple of inches near the outside edges of the pot. After removing the plastic cups and using a fan on low speed I'm watering about every 4 days but it varies from plant to plant. I typically stir up some of the soil to see how dry it is plus I like using my electronic moisture meter to know whats going on at different levels in the pot to avoid over watering.
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