The 38th day:
Hello! For the first time sprayed and watered 9 delta 5 ml. per 1 liter. Plants like it. Now the scheme of feeding is as following. Every second day. Fertilizers> water with gull> fertilizers> Water> fertilizers> water with gull> plagron> Water> fertilizers>
Repeat! 😊
The end of the week:
Hello everybody! We’re six week old 😊 The height growth has stopped completely. That’s why this week it was decided to give a maximum dose of the fertilizers, before transfering to flowering.
That week's feeding scheme was the same. On Saturday the first time I introduced delta9 5 ml/l to the roots. On Monday the last time Crystal Meth got mixture with emphasis on nitrogen. Also, don’t forget about leaves feeding. This week plants got Plantofol-Megafol.
Every second day watered them with guano-tea and every second day they received a dose of Plagron 10g/l. After all these feedings PPM of soil was equal to 1100, pH 6.3. So the plants eat very well now. I plan to feed them my flowering mix for another 10 days and then they will move to Ripen.
I really like your diaries and one can see that you are doing an amazing work! The only thing I'm a little sceptical about is the use of fertilizers to spray on the plant once the buds appear... do you think there is no traces after all when you harvest it? Anyhow great stuff you do keep it up. Definitely down to see more from you!😎👌
Hi, disarie! Really beautiful CrystalMeth here! Omg! thanks much and thanks for sharing your grow! 🙀
This strain is very surprising and amazing. That smell... so special!
Anything you need, just tell us please!
Enjoy growing faster!
Hello! Nothing dries out. Leaves scorched just a little from the sides by FL 😸. It warms barely, you can even put a hand on it and keep it there. But for the leaves it’s enough to be burnt.
Salut!! Overall, not bad, but I see a lot of ferrum anyway .. with all these phosphorus and potassium ..: pray: The tips already dry out .. It is urgent to add something phosphorus, you’ve just said that there was ready something special… use it ASAP!